That is all junk. I wouldn't even call it junk food - you need to train your mind to think of it as poison. I suppose I'm lucky because I don't have any desires for such horrible things. Now its your turn. You need to convince me that Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon Blanc are junk.
I just have to practice moderation, which I'm generally pretty good at. Even over-indulging during the holidays, I was never one to really lose control and just stuff my face; rather, I told myself it was a two-month period more or less, and anything goes within reason, so eat whatever and however much you want, and get back to the usual after New Year's, so I didn't even feel let down from the doc's report.
As to the wine, that's really all I could say, is just practice moderation. I'm really lucky that way, I think. Except for pizza and potato chips/crisps, there really isn't anything that makes me lose control and consume too much of. I'll stop the sweets completely for the next three months, and assuming I get a good report, will be noshing on those Oreos this summer, one cookie a day.
Even booze is like that, and I like my booze. Right now, it's Friday-Sunday only, and reasonable amounts (no more than two drinks a day on those days, and usually less). I made it a solid 365 days with no booze in 2001-2002. Didn't bother me a bit.
The doc was laughing at me, because at the beginning of the year, they do a sort of overall assessment, so they ask questions like if you've felt depressed the last month, or if you feel you have emotional support, etc.
One of the questions she asked was, "When was the last time you had more than four drinks in a sitting?"
I said, "New Year's Day, because I made punch and drank from it all day, but that's because it was the holidays."
A couple of questions later, "Have you fallen in the last month?"
"Yeah, New Year's Day, because I made punch and drank from it all day, but that's because it was the holidays."