I’ll give you the whole story in a nutshell: in 2001, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and over the following year, I dropped 80 lbs or so. I never went on meds, just diet and exercise.
Over the next decade or so, I put maybe 35 lbs back on, and figured out pretty quickly that my break point was 200 lbs - anything under that, I could eat just about anything and glucose and A1C were fine, anything over that, they started to creep up, so being the person that I am, I decided 199.9 lbs was my ideal weight.

I’m 5’9” and a bit.
Now, I’m finding that as I get older, the old 200 lb rule isn’t working so well, and I can be 185 lb, and if I’m making bad food choices, my A1C is going to show that. So now I’ve come to the conclusion that I have to be well under 200 lbs, and I have to eat a lot more sensibly.
Now, I still eat what I want, but just smaller portions, and I don’t drink sugared soft drinks, and maybe one diet one a week, and alcohol consumption is way down, which helps with keeping the pounds off.
But I still have something sweet with my tea at night, and I’ll definitely eat French fries and burgers - I just don’t eat a 1/2-lb burger and a pound of fries, like I did back in the fat old days. I also take a brisk 3-4 mile walk, Mon-Fri, and walk nearly as much on the weekends, just not in one go on a treadmill, like I do during the week.
My PCP is really itching to get me on meds, it seems, and I’m always fighting it. Probably when I hit 65, even eating right and exercising probably won’t be enough, but I’m fighting those meds for as long as possible.