I'm Watching What I Eat (2022)

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Midlands, England
14 Oct 2012
Local time
3:27 AM
Leicester UK
Past couple of years have been a disaster for various reasons, this year I am determined to sort myself out.
Healthier eating and trying free-from breakfast cereal. We have a couple of new healthier eating cookbooks, this afternoon we are going to see if we can get another, we are open to ideas,

Saturday I weighed in at 86.3 kg, the heaviest I have ever been, the older I get the more difficult it may become so really need to start now.
We have a couple of new healthier eating cookbooks, this afternoon we are going to see if we can get another, we are open to ideas,

From the meals I see that you post I would say you are eating pretty 'healthy food' already. As everyone knows, to lose weight we have to eat less calories than we expend. Eating so called 'heathy' foods doesn't always mean less calories (although it can do). I find it quite easy to reduce my calorie intake from food - but as I've said elsewhere, alcohol is my downfall...
From the meals I see that you post I would say you are eating pretty 'healthy food' already. As everyone knows, to lose weight we have to eat less calories than we expend. Eating so called 'heathy' foods doesn't always mean less calories (although it can do). I find it quite easy to reduce my calorie intake from food - but as I've said elsewhere, alcohol is my downfall...

Snacking and alcohol are my downfall, mayo, bad portion control.
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Snacking and alcohol are my downfall, mayo etc...

Do away with mayo for a while. A good alternative is plain Greek style yoghurt (or kefir yoghurt which is delicious) whipped up with a little Dijon mustard. As for snacking. Well, I find having a few low calorie tasty things works. Little pickled beetroots, hard-boiled quail's eggs, pieces of tofu marinaded in soy sauce, pieces of surimi (fake crab) - I like surimi but some don't, baby tomatoes, mini BabyBel light (yeah I know its not the best cheese but its only 40 Kcals), water biscuits with crab paste. The list goes on...

An average bottle of wine is 600 cals. If you have half a bottle in the evening with a meal that can be factored in. Unfortunately, half a bottle is not enough for me.
Never give up, everybody can be slim. I'm pretty stable between 70-75kg. When I see, that my weight goes up to the 75kg, I focus more on burning my calories while doing sport, when it's near 70kg I focus more on stretching/muscle building. In my late teens I experienced some bad things while being boozed, so I quit uncontrollable alcohol consume.
Do away with mayo for a while. A good alternative is plain Greek style yoghurt (or kefir yoghurt which is delicious) whipped up with a little Dijon mustard. As for snacking. Well, I find having a few low calorie tasty things works. Little pickled beetroots, hard-boiled quail's eggs, pieces of tofu marinaded in soy sauce, pieces of surimi (fake crab) - I like surimi but some don't, baby tomatoes, mini BabyBel light (yeah I know its not the best cheese but its only 40 Kcals), water biscuits with crab paste. The list goes on...

An average bottle of wine is 600 cals. If you have half a bottle in the evening with a meal that can be factored in. Unfortunately, half a bottle is not enough for me.

The past few years have been pretty rough, crisps, chocolate and alcohol have been very comforting.
Now that is all behind us I can focus on looking after myself properly.
We have discovered 19 crimes red wine, aged in rum barrels, it is amazing, 1 glass is never enough so not going to buy a bottle. We still have alcohol left over from Christmas, no rush to drink it.
Calorie/syn counting doesn't work for me so cutting down and making adjustments is the best way for us.
Yeahbut, chocolate??????

Re chocolate: two fingers of KitKat are around 100 cals which is not too bad if chocolate is a requirement. Calorie counting is boring but having low cal snacks to pick and choose from can help with cutting down. It doesn't necessarily mean counting calories but simply having lower cal snacks to hand. Also, the technique used by flyinglentris to halve or reduce food portions on the plate is a good one.
Also, the technique used by flyinglentris to halve or reduce food portions on the plate is a good one.

Yes, halving down is a good technique, - if you are the bear type, like me, who has been used to eating big meals. The technique has required me to punch new holes in my belt and notch down, but my pants are still slipping at the hips. I might need suspenders soon. I don't have to think about anything, just halve down, one sandwich, instead of two, halve portions, instead of covering the whole plate. And the other benefit is stretching food and saving money, especially with prices on most things, inflating.
Snacking and alcohol are my downfall, mayo, bad portion control.

Snacking isn't necessarily bad, it depends on why you are snacking, and what you are snacking on.

My typical routine is not thre full meals a day. I "graze" most days. I eat a little at a time, all day long. That works for me.

Now, if you eat three full meals a day, and snack on empty calories your body doesn't need between meals, your body will store those unused calories as fat.

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For a long time I was overweight at about 90kg, and I also have Type 2 Diabetes.
I always tried to eat healthily and 'diabetically' but couldn't seem to lose the weight, so about 2 years ago I put myself on a proper weight loss diet, following the book -
'The Fast 800' by Dr Michael Mosley and using Exante dieting/meal replacement products, aka The Newcastle Diet
I got down to 81 - 82kg but over the past few months that has crept up to about 87kg, and a few treats at Christmas didn't help

Well a New Year was the obvious time to lose that weight
I resist the temptation to weigh myself very frequently, so I just do it on Monday mornings
On Monday morning, 3rd January 2022, the first Monday of 2022 I was 86,9kg, naked - don't let me put you off your dinner!

I'd had a medical review right at the end of November 2021 and that was good, apart from the weight, so It would be sensible not to let that deteriorate due to excessive weight

I have about 17 or 18 cookery books & a big folder of leaflets & cuttings on diabetic, weight loss, Mediterranean diets, plus there is the Website & Forum of Diabetes UK, and there's always YouTube
Yet I almost never look at them, instead I make something out of my 'ead, as my Mum used to say
Well that has worked passably well for years, but as I've very recently finished the food I got in for the Christmas & New Year period I thought I would follow a proper diet or meal plan
This should be easier as I won't need to think, just follow instructions

I used to do a lot of hiking but as I've got older my legs ache more, so at the end of summer 2021 I started doing Tai Chi, which is a martial art, but not as aggressive as things like judo or karate; find it on YouTube
There is a weekly session, and I do it each day at home, but I have yet to gain enough confidence to go and scare the ducks in the park

Speaking of which, during the past few months I have been going on walks around my area, to the park and along the streets, back lanes, and footpaths that all towns have
And I'll make more of an effort to do longer walks and see what I can manage

I think that's enough for now, I'll let you know how I've got on in the not too distant future
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I don't like 'watching what I eat', but prefer changing habits regarding food intake.
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