I am sensing a pattern here, and I think
@MypinchofItaly figured out why some things are in the "I hate ____" category for some people.
What don't conquer me are some combos with food or food with too much seasoning.
Yes, this - the way the foods are prepared - is really the key in a lot of cases.
On the other side of it, I've heard people say "I love pizza"; when I hear that, I think, "I love
good pizza". There is some pretty bad pizza out there. You can't just spread some tomato sauce on a sheet of dough and sprinkle on some rubbery cheese: while it's technically pizza, it's not pizza worth eating.
I have had watery mac and cheese, improperly-prepared steak, overly spicy Mexican food, but I do still generally love properly-prepared versions of all of them. I used to hate rice pudding because it was always just a boring bowl of glop...and then, I made it myself, and after a few tweaks, I know it can be delicious.
In the "food I don't like" part of the question, I could say, "anything my brother-in-law cooks on the grill"; this isn't from a recent dinner party at his house, but it might as well have been:
But, as
@morning glory mentioned, I might have said polenta, too. I
should like it because of my heritage. But, now I know it's just because I haven't had
good polenta (yet); I will have to work to remedy that!