Jamie Oliver's Paella causes outrage


The majority of foreigners, put Chorizo ( sausages ) in their Paellas.

However, this is not Iberian.

I have never seen a Paella in Spain with sausages ..

Chefs and Home Gourmets adopt famous national dishes to their own liking !

No big deal ..

If someone likes sausages in their Paella, let them eat it & enjoy it !

The whole bad publicity scandal is ridiculous ..

Of course, nonbody in Valencia or Iberia would call it a Paella Valencia !!

We would call it " Arroz Mixta " ( mixed rice ) or " Arroz con Chorizo " ( rice with Sausage ) ..

By tradition, it is not a Paella Valenciana ..

Have a wonderful evening.

The majority of foreigners, put Chorizo ( sausages ) in their Paellas.

However, this is not Iberian.

I have never seen a Paella in Spain with sausages ..

Chefs and Home Gourmets adopt famous national dishes to their own liking !

No big deal ..

If someone likes sausages in their Paella, let them eat it & enjoy it !

The whole bad publicity scandal is ridiculous ..

Of course, nonbody in Valencia or Iberia would call it a Paella Valencia !!

We would call it " Arroz Mixta " ( mixed rice ) or " Arroz con Chorizo " ( rice with Sausage ) ..

By tradition, it is not a Paella Valenciana ..

Have a wonderful evening.
Hey Francesca, we have a dish here called Spanish rice. It in no way resembles paella or anything from Spain. It is just rice with a bit of tomato or tomato sauce and some seasonings.

Sicilian Cuisine is quite different as the climate is quite different ..

It is like discussing Boston and Atlanta or Orlando ..

Sincé the days of Homer, who crossed the Straits of Messina, the main products are: Aubergine ( eggplant, fish, shellfish, pasta, potatoes, and their confections: Cannoli, and their ancient ( Moorish: year 800 ) art of almond paste marizpan, red tomatoes, olives and Evoo producing, lots of salads, blood oranges, onions, garlic, wild fennel, anchovies: fresh and salted, sardines, amberjack fish called Rudderfish in Usa English, wine producing, and extraordinary fruits and vegetables ..

Their national pasta is called Pasta Norma .. It is with aubergine and vegetables with tomato marinara ..

Swordfish with black olives and tomato with White wine baked in oven ..
Sicilian Cuisine is quite different as the climate is quite different ..

It is like discussing Boston and Atlanta or Orlando ..

Sincé the days of Homer, who crossed the Straits of Messina, the main products are: Aubergine ( eggplant, fish, shellfish, pasta, potatoes, and their confections: Cannoli, and their ancient ( Moorish: year 800 ) art of almond paste marizpan, red tomatoes, salads, blood oranges, onions, garlic, wild fennel, anchovies: fresh and salted, sardines, amberjack fish called Rudderfish in Usa English, wine producing, and extraordinary fruits and vegetables ..

Their national pasta is called Pasta Norma .. It is with aubergine and vegetables with tomato marinara ..
You could have also used New England, Southern, Midwestern, Southwestern and Northwestern for American cooking. All those also have variations from place to place.
Ok now a question for you,
Does Spain have different regions?
A simple yes or no will be fine. I really don't need a lecture or lesson on all of Spain.
Hey Francesca, we have a dish here called Spanish rice. It in no way resembles paella or anything from Spain. It is just rice with a bit of tomato or tomato sauce and some seasonings.


Also quite humorous are cities called: Madrid, Toledo etcetra ..

Spanish Navigators & Officials from Spain and Mexican Migrant Workers and prior, Mexican Military etcetra, named these cities officially.

So, I am not surprised that there is a dish called Spanish Rice.

Surely it has a more " Latin American " profile or is a combination of both Latin and Spanish and adapted to modern tastes.

We do not have a rice of this name ..
You could have also used New England, Southern, Midwestern, Southwestern and Northwestern for American cooking. All those also have variations from place to place.
Ok now a question for you,
Does Spain have different regions?


Yes, of course. There are officially 37 Autonomous Regions and some have their own official languages. However, there is only 1 National President and there are 37 Regional Presidents, sort of like a State Governor and then each city has a Mayor ..

Also quite humorous are cities called: Madrid, Toledo etcetra ..

Spanish Navigators & Officials from Spain and Mexican Migrant Workers and prior, Mexican Military etcetra, named these cities officially.

So, I am not surprised that there is a dish called Spanish Rice.

Surely it has a more " Latin American " profile or is a combination of both Latin and Spanish and adapted to modern tastes.

We do not have a rice of this name ..
You want really humorous.
One time we went on vacation. Highlights were Athens, Paris, Palestine, New London and Italy.
We didn't need a passport and never went through customs.
Those are all towns in east Texas.
You want really humorous.
One time we went on vacation. Highlights were Athens, Paris, Palestine, New London and Italy.
We didn't need a passport and never went through customs.
Those are all towns in east Texas.


I know it is quite humorous .. Interesting how the City Officials named these cities ..

I collect maps ( Antique ones actually and modern ones ) and it was quite interesting to see that the USA, named thousands of cities with foreign names, for example: Toledo, Madrid & Then there is Athens, Georgia and a bunch of others ..

Have a nice day.

I know it is quite humorous .. Interesting how the City Officials named these cities ..

I collect maps ( Antique ones actually and modern ones ) and it was quite interesting to see that the USA, named thousands of cities with foreign names, for example: Toledo, Madrid & Then there is Athens, Georgia and a bunch of others ..

Have a nice day.
Hey check this out.
Or go to one little region, then say this is the "Authentic" country of origin food.

Can I assume that Sicilian cooking is different from the cooking in Milano or Rome or Tuscany?

Hahaha, exatly! Take your expensive private aerplane and go to see how the food is made in that country. Don't take your initiative! :laugh:
And yes my Dear,
is definitely different from region to region (mostly among the North and the South of Italy) and very often is also different from city to city in the same region. And in Sardinia the cooking is most different too because is a region apart.

The majority of foreigners, put Chorizo ( sausages ) in their Paellas.

However, this is not Iberian.

I have never seen a Paella in Spain with sausages ..

Chefs and Home Gourmets adopt famous national dishes to their own liking !

No big deal ..

If someone likes sausages in their Paella, let them eat it & enjoy it !

The whole bad publicity scandal is ridiculous ..

Of course, nonbody in Valencia or Iberia would call it a Paella Valencia !!

We would call it " Arroz Mixta " ( mixed rice ) or " Arroz con Chorizo " ( rice with Sausage ) ..

By tradition, it is not a Paella Valenciana ..

Have a wonderful evening.

@Francesca, I perfectly can imagine this! These "chefs" ( and often also some Italian chefs abroad - stock cube (!!#*¿¿) in butter+sage sauce to seasoned ravioli) killing Italian cooking everydays..
Hahaha, exatly! Take your expensive private aerplane and go to see how the food is made in that country. Don't take your initiative! :laugh:
And yes my Dear,
is definitely different from region to region (mostly among the North and the South of Italy) and very often is also different from city to city in the same region. And in Sardinia the cooking is most different too because is a region apart.
Same as here. Though on some foods:chips/fries, here is the states it may vary from restaurant to restaurant. Or chicken enchiladas. Or tacos. Or hamburgers. All of these are different from restaurant to restaurant.
What you had at McDonalds is not what you would get at Burger King.
Taco Bell and Taco Villa (substitute your regional taco place) are wildly different.
Whataburger and Texas Burger (both Texas based companies) are also two different things.
Rosa's Cafe and any other Mexican food restaurant. Same items, but prepared differently.
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