Jamie Oliver's Paella causes outrage


The Iberian Peninsula, dates back to the earliest settlers, The Celts / Celti-Iberian Tribes in Galicia ( northwest Atlantic Coast. ) The Phoenicians.

The Celti- Iberians 4th millenium B.C.

The Phoenicians 8th century B.C. ( South ) .. Carthage it was called ( Egyptian influenced Tunis - North Africa ) ..

130 B.C. : The Greeks in Cataluna and then the Romans ..

Have a nice day ..
And they are right! Sometimes it seems to me that some "chefs" try to do dishes from other countries without take the right information.

The same with pizza. Everything has allowed to put on pizza...pineapple, canned meat, hot dogs, cappuccino :laugh:
Once I wrote a post on fb "please stop playing with Italian or other countries food". And it's so annoied the proud "look, this is my original version".
Well, do a personal version is very different than do a bad version.
The same with pizza. Everything has allowed to put on pizza...pineapple, canned meat, hot dogs, cappuccino :laugh:
Once I wrote a post on fb "please stop playing with Italian or other countries food". And it's so annoied the proud "look, this is my original version".
Well, do a personal version is very different than do a bad version.

Ditto the Chinese 'stir-fry'. It becomes a mish mash of anything left in the fridge!
Of course he could always add some Cajun seasoning and he would have Spanish jambalaya :laugh:, which according to Wikipedia was an attempt to introduce paella into the New World where they had to improvise with some of the ingredients.

As far as pizza is concerned, I usually like to use more traditional ingredients (although I may stray sometimes). David Rocco had some interesting pizza recipes in his series Dolce Vita, including one for a fruit pizza which look delicious. Apparently he is Canadian/Italian, and his wife is from Florence.

I do have stir-fries, but this is a method of cooking rather than a dish, and some of the recipes in my Chinese cookery book are not so far apart as our idea of using up anything in the fridge.
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