Maggot cheese would you eat or have you eaten it?

DITTO. I hate to say NEVER. I have eaten and enjoyed food that at one time I would not consider. Since maggots feed on rotting flesh I imagine the smell is horrendous. So lets say - not likely, especially if the critters are squirming around.

Maggots have been used for medicinal purposes. Since they eat rotting and decaying flesh they were packed into festering wounds. Especially on the battle field.
The oh so famous maggot cheese Casu marzu known through out Europe that is banned in some countries as a health risk. It's rumored to be the worlds most dangerous cheese.Others argue it's a traditional cheese that is important to Europe's food culture and is safe in a controlled sanitary environment.

I never knew there was a cheese made specifically with maggots and is a famous delicacy until maybe a few months ago when I was researching cheese so I could make a few. I'm a big book reader and some have mentioned the characters eating cheese with maggots in them but I always thought it was because that was the only cheese available and the characters weren't very rich either. So it I never thought there was cheese out there made specifically with maggots.

When I found out I was like eeeeeeeeeeewww! Then I was like o.o this actually quite strange I must read about this and see what compels a person to eat such a thing. I was quite intrigued by how this cheese is made and eaten. After the cheese is made and shaped it is set out and a cheese fly comes and lays her eggs inside and the maggots eat the cheese and discreet a type of acid that softens the cheese. It's served to the guests with the maggots still inside the cheese. The guests pick out the maggots and eat the cheese some even eat the cheese with the maggots still inside.

I heard the maggots like to jump out of the cheese at quite a distance at the one who is eating there food so you will see people putting there hand in front of the cheese to keep the maggots from jumping in there face. If the guests prefer to not have any maggots alive and jump at them while eating the cheese they put the cheese inside a plastic bag and starve the maggots from oxygen to kill them. The guests will hear the maggot struggling to get out of the bag making a popping sound. When the sound subsides the cheese is taken out of the bag and the maggots are dead inside of the bag and thrown out and the cheese eaten.

I can't get this cheese out of my mind I don't think I would ever eat it but it is quite fascinating. My question for you is have you ever eaten this cheese or would you eat it. I f you did or would how did you eat it? Also if you ever ate it give details on it please ty.
Here's the link for more info

Oh yes, Su casu marzu is a sardinian cheese.
It is ancient and also rather delicious .. I have Sardinian origins and relatives in Sardinia, but I honestly never wanted to taste it because the idea of eating something with worms does not really appeal to me at all. On the fact that it is dangerous to health this is all to prove seen that ultimately eating insects seems to be becoming a must.
However the many Sardinians who eat it are very healthy....
(One final note of caution, some people wear eye protection when eating Casu Marzu: the maggots are known to jump as high as six inches and straight toward the eyeballs with exact precision. At a minimum, make a maggot sandwich and shield your eyes with your hand as you take a bite.)

eating with sunglasses like a boss

I got a hand it to you all jokes aside the people who have ate this i think I would have to say electronic high 5 to you :okay: that's some guts and bravery you have there. This cheese sure is very adventurous and adrenaline raising I'll give you that. It reminds me of that sushi made from the puffer fish that people eat in japan that is very dangerous to eat cause one ,mistake from the chef and your a goner. Although this cheese is not as dangerous as that sushi it sure does have a bit of danger. I still would love to hear the opinion of someone who has ate this cheese. A lot of us are grossed out and horrified by it but some people consider it a delicacy and important to the Italian culture. I want to hear why they eat and is really that good to go through all that fear factor?

Sardinia is not the only region where maggot cheese is produced.
And honestly, one thing is to eat fish that can kill you, another is to eat something that you do not like or look like. I do not think the Sardinians are so crazy or unhygienic to eat something that could cause problems. What then this cheese does not like is another thing (like to me).. I have never eaten and I do not care, but it is an ancient thing.
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Sardinia is not the only region where maggot cheese is produced.
And honestly, one thing is to eat fish that can kill you, another is to eat something that you do not like or look like. I do not think the Sardinians are so crazy or unhygienic to eat something that could cause problems. What then this cheese does not like is another thing (like to me).. I have never eaten and I do not care, but it is an ancient thing.
What I meant about comparing the poisonous puffer fish to the catsu matsu is that the both have that fear factor to them. They give you that adrenalin when you try it. Yes the puffer fish extremely way more dangerous then catsu matsu could ever be but it's still an adrenalin raising food. I heard it's a very sour strong cheese. Honestly I seriously considered trying this cheese even with the maggots cause it's supposed to be delicious. The thing that threw me off though was the health risk of of the maggots surviving and chewing a hole in your in your intestines. A whole lot of people eat this cheese and are very healthy. Unfortunately I don't think I could ever overcome my fear of maggots and take the risk whether it's tiny or big of having surviving maggots in my intestines. So I couldn't eat this cheese to sadly to scary for me. Thank you for sharing :)
What I meant about comparing the poisonous puffer fish to the catsu matsu is that the both have that fear factor to them. They give you that adrenalin when you try it. Yes the puffer fish extremely way more dangerous then catsu matsu could ever be but it's still an adrenalin raising food. I heard it's a very sour strong cheese. Honestly I seriously considered trying this cheese even with the maggots cause it's supposed to be delicious. The thing that threw me off though was the health risk of of the maggots surviving and chewing a hole in your in your intestines. A whole lot of people eat this cheese and are very healthy. Unfortunately I don't think I could ever overcome my fear of maggots and take the risk whether it's tiny or big of having surviving maggots in my intestines. So I couldn't eat this cheese to sadly to scary for me. Thank you for sharing :)

Oh my, I can understand you very well, the feeling of adrenaline mixed with fear is quite common, but I have never expressed anything but a shy "no thanks". Those who love this traditional cheese can take offense very much if they see disgust in other faces, it is mostly the old generations that still eat it.
However, despite being of Sardinian origin and having relatives in Sardinia, I have always refused to eat it (and so my mom - she is from Sardegna) I just can not deal with it. As far as I'm told, it's quite tasty, but I'll never know it. I can not tell you if the worms survive in the intestine, perhaps they are destroyed by the acids that we have in the stomach, but the only thought that they make a trip in my body, :stop: !!!!!!
I know of many tourists who wanted to try it and were amazed by its goodness. I like to eat and taste things that I do not know, but on this I still have to do a rather tight training.
Oh my, I can understand you very well, the feeling of adrenaline mixed with fear is quite common, but I have never expressed anything but a shy "no thanks". Those who love this traditional cheese can take offense very much if they see disgust in other faces, it is mostly the old generations that still eat it.
However, despite being of Sardinian origin and having relatives in Sardinia, I have always refused to eat it (and so my mom - she is from Sardegna) I just can not deal with it. As far as I'm told, it's quite tasty, but I'll never know it. I can not tell you if the worms survive in the intestine, perhaps they are destroyed by the acids that we have in the stomach, but the only thought that they make a trip in my body, :stop: !!!!!!
I know of many tourists who wanted to try it and were amazed by its goodness. I like to eat and taste things that I do not know, but on this I still have to do a rather tight training.
Yes I agree I love to try new things even weird gross things. I always say always try a food at least once before judging it. After all if you hate it you'll only have to taste it that one time. The only exception I excuse myself from this saying is if it goes against my religion or is a health risk.

One of my favorites is octopus and squid. There weird but they taste so good. Cows tongue is really gross sounding and looks icky to but it's very delicious. My hubby wants me to try a famous Egyptian soup made from cows feet. It's supposed to be extremely delicious and healthy. All foods that are new to us are strange but to someone who is grew up on it, it's completely normal.

With my luck I know even if there's just the slightest chance of a health risk I will get sick lol. Here in Egypt they have a famous dish that is I'm told is rotting raw fish(or maybe just raw or fermented raw,it's raw I know at least that lol.). It's supposed to be really gross looking but taste extremely delicious. For fear of food poisoning and all the other stuff I can never try it lol.

If only we had some kind of super power where we could get away with eating dangerous unhealthy food just to try it once and see what it taste like lol. Lame super power but it would come in handy while trying foods lol.
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