For me there have been many major changes in my life. The latest one happened on the 5th November last year. Until then I had cycled and cycled and cycled, I had swum, walked and you name it. I have cycled more miles than I had driven in 2014 (+6,000 miles cycled between Jan and Oct) and was commuting 3 times a week on a 22 mile each way commute.
I used to climb mountains, swim every lunch time and not bat an eyelid over walking 27 miles in a day, and getting up and doing the same thing the next day and the next. A holiday for me was the chance to get out and walk or cycle a long distance. My last holiday was a 700 mile off-road camping tour by bike in the UK. That was last September.
Then I put the telephone down and went to walk away, in my own home. Sometime I do quite a lot

only this time it did not happen. I put the phone down, went to turn around and ended up on the floor in agony where I lay for the best part of 2 hours before I could move to my bed where I have been ever since other than the odd visit to hospital by stretcher because I can't sit. I can't weight bear on my spine. A disc shattered (not ruptured) in my spine at L5-S1 which is basically the lowest disc. It shattered as though it was made of ceramic rather than plasticine which is how they are meant to be. Overnight I lost the use of my right leg and most of the feeling as well.
To cut a very long story short, my spine can't now weight bear. For me to ride my recumbent trike (bought since this happened and it is the only way I leave the house without an ambulance!) I need to have a double dose of morphine, single dose of paracetamol and a large dose of pregabalin which suppressed nerve pain. I need the same to walk anywhere (100-200metres) with crutches and can't walk without crutches at all. I have had surgery which has recovered 2/3rds of the use of my right leg and most of the feeling, but not all of the control. I have also had another procedure which didn't help at all. I still can't sit up in a chair normally and haven't done other than my physio (8-10 times a day) since my back went. My new surgeon thinks that my spine did not develop properly and had anyone who knew what they were looking at seen an MRI of my spine, they would have seen this coming. The next disc up is sound but misshapen and is a wedge not a disc - hence the probability it is a birth defect and was always going to happen, it was just a case of when. I go in for major surgery on my back on Monday, in a hope to reduce the pain I am in, the pain meds I am on (I have been on morphine since it happened over 6 months ago and am now on time release morphine capsules as well as oral morphine and various other meds) and a hope that fusing the spine will allow me to sit up again. I have had to purchase one of those horrible riser/recliner chairs, I have a frame around the toilet and we are considering moving into a bungalow if this surgery does not work. I don't know if I will ever be able to drive a normal car again!
So life has changed a touch recently.