Merry Christmas 2023!

So daughter dropped a clanged xmas night when she said she would like to do xmas lunch next year??
I said I'd think about it?
I love cooking the meal but I don't think she would be able to keep everything warm.. 3 meats plus veges .
My wife thinks we should .
It would definitely be cheaper if I did.
I think she would be too slow??


Hey, say yes. Let her be "chef," which is a word that literally means "head of the kitchen." Offer to be a line cook, or even sous chef.

Eventually, you are going to have to pass down the traditions you are used to, so may as well pass them down gradually. My dad did that. He ALWAYS cooked and carved the Thanksgiving turkey, until about eight-ish years ago, when he turned that over to me. Instead of me helping him, he helped me.

That's how traditions carry on.

So daughter dropped a clanged xmas night when she said she would like to do xmas lunch next year??
I said I'd think about it?
I love cooking the meal but I don't think she would be able to keep everything warm.. 3 meats plus veges .
My wife thinks we should .
It would definitely be cheaper if I did.
I think she would be too slow??

Perhaps you should just ask her to help you for a few years whilst she "learns the ropes"?
Thanks for your thoughts on my daughter cooking
I will let her and I will sit it out. We cant work together in a kitchen.
I need to hand over.
I will save $160 on meat. Lol.
Thanks you guys rock. :)

Just be ready/prepared to take over when she realises the amount of work involved
(Or have the number of a good take away ready):)
I'd consider a hostess trolley for her. You can flog it again after Christmas if you don't really have room for it.

There are many components of a Christmas dinner that don't hurt sitting in a hot heated cabinet for a bit and some dishes that actively improve. It takes a huge amount of the pressure off the timing if things like the gravy, cranberry sauce, mash carrot n swede, creamed corn, even dauphinois potatoes are ticked off and the turkey is resting on the top of it.

That leaves the things that are time sensitive and need serving crispy or al dente to get the oven space, heat and attention they deserve without the cook blowing a gasket!
Just be ready/prepared to take over when she realises the amount of work involved
(Or have the number of a good take away ready):)

IMO, not "take over," but step up and help if she finds herself "in the weeds."

"Taking over" can crush a person's desire to achieve a goal. I've taught friends how to cook, and if you "take over," they can assume they've failed, assume they can't cook, and give up trying.

It is a balancing act -- knowing when to step in, and when to let them struggle.

My sister does NOT like taking my advice... on anything. I have to sneak things in when we cook together.

You're absolutely right Casey,
I didn't mean take over in her kitchen,.

I should have phrased it better as in "offering to make the dinner if it seems she has second thoughts (taking over the whole dinner thingy)"
My wife thinks we should .
It would definitely be cheaper if I did.
I think she would be too slow??
One way to find out…I think you’re right to let her step up.

For decades, two of my brothers hosted a big family cookout each - one on Memorial Day (end of May) to start the summer, and one on Labor Day (beginning of September), to end the summer.

When we moved back to Ohio, I threw a third one in the mix - I hosted one July 4th, sort of a middle-of-the-summer one.

After many years of doing that and after having a heart attack that required him being air-lifted to the hospital, one of my brothers approached his two grown kids, both in their 30’s, homes and families and careers of their own, and suggested it was time to pass the responsibility of organizing and hosting “his” cookout down to one or both of them, as it was getting too much for him.

They threw a fit and insisted he keep hosting doing everything - they wanted all the food and festivities and none of the work or expense. He even offered to foot the bill and host it at his house, as long as they took over the planning and cooking, and they refused.

He cancelled his that year, didn’t host another cookout for a good 10 years later, and once he cancelled his, the other two sort of fell by the wayside as well.

I think it’s fantastic she wants to oversee it! ❤️
One way to find out…I think you’re right to let her step up.

For decades, two of my brothers hosted a big family cookout each - one on Memorial Day (end of May) to start the summer, and one on Labor Day (beginning of September), to end the summer.

When we moved back to Ohio, I threw a third one in the mix - I hosted one July 4th, sort of a middle-of-the-summer one.

After many years of doing that and after having a heart attack that required him being air-lifted to the hospital, one of my brothers approached his two grown kids, both in their 30’s, homes and families and careers of their own, and suggested it was time to pass the responsibility of organizing and hosting “his” cookout down to one or both of them, as it was getting too much for him.

They threw a fit and insisted he keep hosting doing everything - they wanted all the food and festivities and none of the work or expense. He even offered to foot the bill and host it at his house, as long as they took over the planning and cooking, and they refused.

He cancelled his that year, didn’t host another cookout for a good 10 years later, and once he cancelled his, the other two sort of fell by the wayside as well.

I think it’s fantastic she wants to oversee it! ❤️

When discussing it our son lee said we arent doing it. We only want a feed. Lol
Typical lee. Lol.
I've told her she can do it. We will se how it goes

Awesome, congrats!

Thanks. I've been wanting to start smoking BBQ again, but don't want to go back to babysitting a smoker for hours on end, trying to keep a constant temperature. Cabella's is a good company (AKA: Bass Pro Shops), and they stand behind their merch. It was on sale for 100-bucks off, too.

I used the savings to buy their three-year protection plan. If anything happens, just bring it back for a new one. By anything, they mean anything. If a tree falls on it in a tornado, bring back the crushed remains, and get a new one. :eek: :laugh:

BTW, if you are a sportsman/woman, and have never been to a Cabella's/Bass Pro Shops, they are amazing places. HUGH places. I picked that pellet smoker out of about a dozen or so that were assembled and sitting on the retail floor. To really put the size of the store into perspective, they had one of these INSIDE the store...


And about 20 more boats parked outside of the store.

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