Oddball food combos?

No, and pickled onion with the rest? Nope, not for me.

That was a classic part of a 70's buffet in the UK. Not necessarily set in an orange but a a cocktail sized pickled onion, cube of pineapple and cube of cheese on a cocktail stick. A few years back I made a sort of retro buffet and they were included.
One that I personally find very odd, but it's always been a regional peculiarity, is a sandwich made of bologna, ketchup, and potato chips/crisps.

I don't eat it, but just about everyone I know does.
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There's a shop that sells a combo. A sandwich filling of canned fish, chillies, onions etc between two crackers, and dipped in egg+flour batter, and rolled on bread crumbs, and then deep fried. Like cutlets but kind of a deep fried cracker sandwich.
Think that is bad? It can always get worse..
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