Outdoor Kitchen

I really like and use both of those.
Sage is the one that often arrives battered to pieces and thyme seems to be so soft you cant just slide the leaves of the stem because they snap.

How much light do they need?
Not a lot in my experience. But I'm by no means an experienced gardener. Sage will form a medium to large bush. Just clip back if it gets too big. It produces pretty purple flowers in summer and it's silvery leaves are all year round.
On the cooking side - are you sure you don't want a pizza oven? Obviously other things besides pizza can be cooked in it.

I mean a brick built one.
The space out of the back door is very limited, I’m not sure why they put the wall so close to the back door, it really doesn't make any sense when theres so much space available on the other side of it, heyho.
It’s a long slim space, so more small galley kitchen 😂
Because of that I’ll probably stick with the Ninja Outdoor Pizza oven for now.

I’m going to have a look at ikeas small kitchen and balcony garden ideas, they normally have some good’ns
It’s all moving a bit faster than anticipated.
The lean to has been ordered and the builder has requested the dimensions.
He’ll book us in, in November when we have a delivery date for it 👍

Mine won’t look all neat and pretty like this because I live in a scrappy 1970’s build and the posts will actually come down on the other side of a low wall. We’re a bit farmer style - as in no need to spend money on that, a bit of bailer twine and a tarpaulin will do the job nicely 😂

It should give us some nice protection from the elements though.
Maybe I’ll be cooking the turkey out there this year?! 🤷‍♀️ 😊


Hopefully I’m gonna delay the start to allow time to soak the wood in preservative.
It’s already pressure treated and guaranteed for 10 years and I hate doing it but it makes all the difference.
Maybe look at some mosquito doors/rollers/something?
Don't know what the moeggies (little annoying and irritating flying insects) are where you are?
And could act a bit like a wind break?
Absolutely, you read my mind!
I’ll get the structure up and then look at the mozzie defences. It’s tricky because one side leads to the back garden where the dogs obviously need to have free access and that’s also the side the wind whips in from.

It also means any lighting will be tricky because the flying critters love a light at night, might need night vision glasses 😂
Yellow light doesn't attract mozzies nearly as much.
And maybe a mozzie zapper.

For the dogs: just a part of netting loose & hanging down. The dogs learn very quickly where they can go out (even mine :) )
I can’t use a zapper, insects are abundant and could short a zapper in one night.
Maybe some low down yellow lighting then. Thanks for the tip.

My dogs are so cowardly they are an embarrassment to themselves. A rustling carrier bag may as well be a bear 😂
But it’s certainly worth a go and better than nothing even if it ends up with a dog shaped hole!
My summer of cooking outside on the Ninja Woodfire and using a hob plate to keep the heat out of the house was a great success.
I really enjoyed it, I love cooking outside.
Especially the bit where you can use really high heat and the frying pan fat flies all over the place n who cares!

It’s a makeshift set up involving a temporary awning and an extension lead trailing across the floor to a not particularly brilliant table.
I’m going to do something more permanent (windproof) so I can enjoy cooking outside for longer.
Maybe year round 🤷‍♀️

The builder came this morning to fix some steps and a lean to (a bit like a car port just incase that’s lost in translation) seems to be the answer.
He said he’s just had a cancellation and can come end of November so a wafty idea I had is suddenly happening 👏

It won’t be anything grand. There won’t be a sink or gorgeous outdoor kitchen units, just a lean to, some sockets and to start with probably some plastic tubs with the necessary bits n bobs in them!

Is there anything I need to think about or might regret if I don’t sort it now?
For the green fingered on here I’d like a big plant or two ten but don’t know what will thrive outside in a pot next to the Bristol Channel?
Whatever the opposite to green fingered is that’s me, so something resilient!

Any experiences on outdoor furniture would also be gratefully recieved as I would like to get Mr SSOAP a chair. I’m hoping as it will be mainly sheltered from the elements maybe a recliner might survive out there?
I don’t know anything about it because our garden furniture has always had to be made out of very chunky wood to survive!

So yer, kitchen planning, plants and furniture thoughts if you have any.
In case it hasn't yet been said, very a waterproof outdoor plug put in. It's so very useful.
Ah they aren’t a loved garden tree over here. They became very popular in the 70’s n 80’s and caused A LOT of neighbourly disputes.
So much so it sparked national debate on what peoples rights are and councils will turn up with orders demanding they are cut down to ‘a reasonable level’ which can be as little as 2 metres!

I have inherited a large number of them and they’ve caused me no end of problems.

So perhaps something else 😆
That was leylandi
In case it hasn't yet been said, very a waterproof outdoor plug put in. It's so very useful.
Yes thankyou. That’s on the list.
Going to try and get the necessary wire first so it can be buried in the concrete where it will have to be raised up at one end (we’re on a slope).
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