The cattery opens in around 10 minutes so we can collect our fur babies.
Our cod prices are similar to yours. Atlantic cod is a bit more expensive, but there are over-fishing regulations in place for our side of the North Atlantic. Pacific cod is much more plentiful -- and I am fine with the taste. For things like fish-n-chips, I actually prefer haddock. For a 'fine dining" fish, I prefer deep water Gulf Red Snapper.
It's about $9-10 here for wild caught, even cheaper if you catch a sale, not sure whether it is Atlantic or Pacific though.NZ dollars are not the same as US dollars so that would be $34.79 per kilo or approx $15 per pound in US dollars.
For comparison, fresh cod in the UK is around £15 a kilo (equivalent to 20.63 US dollars or 29.67 NZ dollars).
Per pound weight, cod in the UK is £6.80 (equivalent to 9.35 US dollars or 13.45 NZ dollars)
What is the average price of fresh cod in the US?
In Ohio, it's legal to buy fireworks, but "illegal" to shoot them off in Ohio, so you have to sign a document saying you're going to take them out of state to blast them off.The city of Frisco has always been VERY strict about fireworks. Both police and fire department cruise the city, handing out $300 fines for home fireworks.
In Ohio, it's legal to buy fireworks, but "illegal" to shoot them off in Ohio, so you have to sign a document saying you're going to take them out of state to blast them off.
Of course, no one follows that, and the cops don't care, so there are plenty of people blowing their hands off and setting their garages on fire.
I think there's a bill on the guv's desk right now to just make them fully legal.
Well, park has been toured and tub issue resolved. MrsT had been messing with the handles (even though she took neither shower nor bathOther than that, I think we're going to have to wait around the room for the plumber to come unclog the bathtub.