MrsT hates sitting around a hotel room, and we had a full day yesterday, and we have a full day tomorrow and Tuesday, so I was really looking forward to just farting around today. Driving all day every day on vacation is...not exactly stressful, but it's not relaxing, because I not only do the driving, but I have to pay attention to all the directions and all that.
We were supposed to go check out one nearby retirement community, and that was it, but it turned out that one is an all-ages place, and we definitely don't want that, so she found this wetlands scenic drive about 15 minutes away, and wanted to do that instead.
No problem, the map shows it to be about 10 miles long from start to end, so how long can that take, right?
Too damn long, that's how long!
We got there, and it's all self-guided, but it turned out to be a one-way-only gravel road, speed limit 10mph, full of cars, and with people stopping to take pics, it took nearly two

hours to get through the damn thing!
It was basically a massive traffic jam in a wildlife preserve, and once you pass the gate, you're committed, because you can't turn around and there are no escape routes. You're well and truly stuck.
So, yet again, I got roped into a multi-hour driving excursion on what was
supposed to be my built-in light day of just hanging out at the hotel and eating/drinking within the neighborhood, on foot.