Plans for today (2019-2022)

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Here I am, sat on the front porch, mug of tea, it's raining gently, 68F/20C, and it's just perfect out here.

MrsT woke up and found me out on the porch, came out and asked, "What're you doing out here?"

"Having my tea, it's wonderful out!"

😒 - turns on her heel and goes back inside. 😆

I mentioned elsewhere, making the 75-minute drive to my folks solo today. They're excited to show me their new house, moving after 50 years. Of course, they don't officially have the keys yet, but that hasn't stopped them from dragging two lawn chairs over there for the back porch. They go over most days and just sit out back for a while, and Mom will say, "I sure wish we had them keys..." 😀

Glad its working out for them!
Went blueberry picking early afternoon - collected near a pound of them. This was at a "pick your own" place - cost only $2. I probably could have continued going but my back was beginning to give out a bit, and my ankle with the plate and pins in it was not comfortable on uneven ground. Besides this is enough for several meals.

Although I may go back next Friday, when the owners will open up a different field for picking. (Freezing will always be an option.)

The original plan was to continue spray painting the temporary outdoor chicken pens - but it rained. And just did some more. I was also going to visit a friend (50 minutes away) to help her with her chicken coop - but the rain came and went and came again. She will be getting 4 of my juveniles next Friday.

Other highlights of the day included visiting the town dump. It's still there, two vehicles allowed in at a time (COVID).
Back to my home, have to recover some work and headed to office in a couple of hours. Nice temp, 21c, so going and staying in Milan today will be nicer.
If I won’t be shattered once back at home, I’ll have a run.
Waiting for a zoom-invite to finally take part in my missed thesis seminars...
Another day working at my parents house, getting them ready to move.

It is also Labor Day in the US. I'm cooking steaks, baked potatoes and asparagus for a late lunch.

Plans for today:

Make pizza dough (done)
Make pesto
Make bread
Buy mums
Make salad and salad dressing
Make spaghetti and sauce
Watch TV
Sleep the sleep of the innocent
The only thing I have planned is to make some Baja Fish Tacos -- we'll see hot that works out.

Not planned. When I walked outside this morning, it was relatively cool, so I mowed, edged and trimmed the backyard.

The only thing I have planned is to make some Baja Fish Tacos -- we'll see hot that works out.

Not planned. When I walked outside this morning, it was relatively cool, so I mowed, edged and trimmed the backyard.

It's really starting to feel like Fall around here. It was 48F/9F this morning when I went out to feed the birds.

Pizza dough done.
Pesto done.
Salad dressing done.
Bread on first rise.
Got to move this creaky old body and make the piccalilli. The veg were all prepared and have been soaking in brine for 24 hours.
Get moving, get moving... :hyper: :hyper:
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