Plans for today (2019-2022)

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Well, one thing I didn’t plan on…I have a wonky right arm (shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand issues) that likes to make mischief every so often.

I made bacon in the oven this morning, and I poured the hot bacon grease into my bacon grease vault, which stays in the fridge, on the top shelf.

Went to set it back up there, and a millimeter before I reached the shelf, my shoulder said, “Nope, that’s as far as I’m going today,” and the merest part of the bottom of the container caught the edge of the shelf, tipped out of my hand, and sent a good 1/3rd cup of melted bacon grease all over the top shelf…and the shelf below, and the bottom of the fridge…and the top seals of the bottom freezer door…and all down the front of the freezer door…and all over the floor.

I just now got it all cleaned up. I let the stuff in the fridge congeal, so most of it came out pretty easily, and I had to remove the two shelves and give those a proper washing up in the sink.

You know how when you reach down and tie one loose shoestring, no matter how well the other shoe is tied, you just have to re-tie it as well? That’s what’s going on in my mildly OCD brain right now: “Those two shelves are sparkling clean now. The others ones are very clean, but they’re not as clean as the ones I just washed, so I really should wash them, but they’re already very clean, and I know if I do that, I’ll need to wash the entire inside of the fridge, and if I’m doing that, I may as well do the freezer, and if I get the fridge/freezer cleaned up, the stove’s not gonna look right…oh my…”
Today had a better start than yesterday. So:
  • I made a savory feta and red onion tart, by making red onion compote first in the Dutch oven
  • I used up the ripe banana's for another banana bread
  • I studied 5 chapters of my book for English and did my homework
  • I tidied up the kitchen
  • I cleaned the bathroom
  • Further plans for today include a walk to get a gelato cone, playing games and relaxing. I did what had to be done, so I can rest now.
I am glad you are feeling a bit better, sounds like you got a lot done! I sometimes peel and freeze my bananas so I don't have to bake if I don't feel like it. Right now I don't feel like it! I am going to muster up the energy to get the vacuuming done that I intended on doing yesterday. And then working all week...
Today had a better start than yesterday. So:
  • I made a savory feta and red onion tart, by making red onion compote first in the Dutch oven
  • I used up the ripe banana's for another banana bread
  • I studied 5 chapters of my book for English and did my homework
  • I tidied up the kitchen
  • I cleaned the bathroom
  • Further plans for today include a walk to get a gelato cone, playing games and relaxing. I did what had to be done, so I can rest now.
Given what I get up to (:rolleyes: ), I'm probably not the best person to be asking this but have you ever done any pain management courses? I ask because they mention pacing a lot rather than doing too much because you feel like you can/ you're having a good day and then paying for it the next day. (Yeah, I know and understand. I'm currently having discussions with myself about the state of the bedroom floor and the concept of hovering it but I also know that if I do, I'll set my back hurting again because I won't stop at the bedroom, but will promptly do the entire house again and then start of mopping the kitchen floor which won't dry very quickly because it's so darn cold & wet outside at the moment. )
Given what I get up to :)rolleyes: ), I'm probably not the best person to be asking this but have you ever done any pain management courses? I ask because they mention pacing a lot rather than doing too much because you feel like you can/ you're having a good day and then paying for it the next day. (Yeah, I know and understand. I'm currently having discussions with myself about the state of the bedroom floor and the concept of hovering it but I also know that if I do, I'll set my back hurting again because I won't stop at the bedroom, but will promptly do the entire house again and then start of mopping the kitchen floor which won't dry very quickly because it's so darn cold & wet outside at the moment. )
No I haven't but I have also never been in unmanagable pain before. I used to have chronic pain that was managed by my tramadol. But as it turns out that pain ( around my ileostomy) was caused by the tramadol causing blockages. So I quit that. Before that, when my Ulcerative Colitis was not severe enough for hospital I could cope with it on normal advil etc. As soon as it became severe enough I started getting tramadol, so my pain has always been managed.

But since I quit Tramadol I developed a swollen foot which I can barely stand on, and swollen wrists, and have varying pain all over my body which makes doing anything hard, especially walking. Which is something entirely new to me.

So I have not had any coaching on this, because I am still waiting to be diagnosed. I do have meeting with a pain specialist planned after seeing the rheumatologist, maybe they can help with that. But first we need to know what's going on to do anything effective. So far I have always been in a cycle of active days versus days lying in bed. It would be nice if it could be more balanced indeed.
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. It would be nice if it could be more balanced indeed.
You've got the nail on the head there. It's not an easy balance to make and I do genuinely understand that there are days when you just have to do something , I'm constantly being told that I'm doing too much...

The aim is to lower the peaks and reduce the troughs so that you have a more constant level of pain and constant level of what you can achieve each day. Easy to say, not so easy to achieve. The best way to end a day of having been able to achieve something is to sit down in the evening and think you could have done more... then see what you're like tomorrow and reassess. Usually it's, teal, actually I would like to have felt better today than I am right now, but I'm not as bad as I would have been if... and pace. Diagnosis isn't needed for you to learn to pace. You'll have worked it out already. Generally you'll find you actually need to try to do less whilst you get things under control. Doesn't matter about diagnosis it what causes the chronic pain. The courses I've attended have had patients from all walks of life with all types of injuries including a gun shot to the abdomen for one person (ex police)... it's pacing so that each day is the same on pain as the last day and the previous day. That's something you can work towards and aim for without taking to a doctor it pain specialist and they'll be really happy if you've worked that out for yourself without them having to teach the concept. It speeds up recovery... recovery being reaching a better standard of life with better pain control. reaching you want to talk more about it, send be a PM.
Pork challenge dish and jubilee tea menu moved to today. I also have to go mail some packages, and I’m on call this week for work.
  • I made lasagne
  • I went grocery shopping
  • I did the laundry
  • I studied history
  • I played computer games, read, and slept
My husband is out tonight to teach first aid (he's a qualified instructor in first aid and lifesaving first aid), so I have a calm night ahead of me. And tomorrow my husband is at the office, so another quiet day as I can't go anywhere by myself because public transport is having a week of protests against their low wages.
You've got the nail on the head there. It's not an easy balance to make and I do genuinely understand that there are days when you just have to do something , I'm constantly being told that I'm doing too much...

The aim is to lower the peaks and reduce the troughs so that you have a more constant level of pain and constant level of what you can achieve each day. Easy to say, not so easy to achieve. The best way to end a day of having been able to achieve something is to sit down in the evening and think you could have done more... then see what you're like tomorrow and reassess. Usually it's, teal, actually I would like to have felt better today than I am right now, but I'm not as bad as I would have been if... and pace. Diagnosis isn't needed for you to learn to pace. You'll have worked it out already. Generally you'll find you actually need to try to do less whilst you get things under control. Doesn't matter about diagnosis it what causes the chronic pain. The courses I've attended have had patients from all walks of life with all types of injuries including a gun shot to the abdomen for one person (ex police)... it's pacing so that each day is the same on pain as the last day and the previous day. That's something you can work towards and aim for without taking to a doctor it pain specialist and they'll be really happy if you've worked that out for yourself without them having to teach the concept. It speeds up recovery... recovery being reaching a better standard of life with better pain control. reaching you want to talk more about it, send be a PM.
I am not sure exactly why you think I need a course though, I've seen a pain specialist recently and they were impressed with how I manage everything. Especially because I quit my painkillers with no incentive from a doctor at all. A training for me to learn to live with my pain by all means does not seem to be in the books at all. They said they were impressed with how I manage on my own. My husband also always says I do too much.

I'll definitely keep your tips in mind though, and once I know whether I face a permanent or temporary problem I shall ask the pain specialist if there's any more I can do. But right now my doctor said she had no more advice for me than keep doing what I already am doing, because I am already managing to do the things I want to do. It's just never been this painful to do them before. So I might pm you about it, but not yet. Thanks for the offer though :hug:

(mod suggestion: maybe we can make a pain management thread? There seem to be plenty of members in the same situation, so that might be interesting).
Today was:
Down to the funeral parlour to sort out the details of my dad´s funeral
Back to pick up wife & son & brother
Off to the doctor
One hour trip to the Registry in another town
Lunch at 3pm
Back to the hospital to collect personal effects
Back to the funeral parlour to give official death cert
Drop off wife
Crack a beer!
I have had a really nasty persistent cough for a few weeks now. I guess I need to go to my PCP this week to be misdiagnosed and ask for a referral to another doctor who went to a real medical school. This cough is so bad, my ribs hurt.


Have you had a Covid test?
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