Well, one thing I didn’t plan on…I have a wonky right arm (shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand issues) that likes to make mischief every so often.
I made bacon in the oven this morning, and I poured the hot bacon grease into my bacon grease vault, which stays in the fridge, on the top shelf.
Went to set it back up there, and a millimeter before I reached the shelf, my shoulder said, “Nope, that’s as far as I’m going today,” and the merest part of the bottom of the container caught the edge of the shelf, tipped out of my hand, and sent a good 1/3rd cup of melted bacon grease all over the top shelf…and the shelf below, and the bottom of the fridge…and the top seals of the bottom freezer door…and all down the front of the freezer door…and all over the floor.
I just now got it all cleaned up. I let the stuff in the fridge congeal, so most of it came out pretty easily, and I had to remove the two shelves and give those a proper washing up in the sink.
You know how when you reach down and tie one loose shoestring, no matter how well the other shoe is tied, you just have to re-tie it as well? That’s what’s going on in my mildly OCD brain right now: “Those two shelves are sparkling clean now. The others ones are very clean, but they’re not as clean as the ones I just washed, so I really should wash them, but they’re already very clean, and I know if I do that, I’ll need to wash the entire inside of the fridge, and if I’m doing that, I may as well do the freezer, and if I get the fridge/freezer cleaned up, the stove’s not gonna look right…oh my…”