Here’s my cart, ready to go:
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And here it is mid-shop:
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This is what they’ve replaced their previous high-tech option (Scan-Bag-Go) with. The idea is that you sign in on the mounted terminal, place your (or their) bags in the cart, and start shopping.
The cart has four cameras, one at each corner (as well as a small one in the front mini basket) and that’s what’s supposed to scan your items as you put them in.
Produce, you use the terminal to look it up (if it has no barcode), then put it in the cart, and the cart weighs it and shows you the price. Barcodes produce works like any other barcoded item.
At the end, you just follow the checkout prompts on the terminal to pay.
The pros: you get to skip both self-checkout and cashier checkout lanes. That’s about it.
The cons: the cart is small and heavy, hard to maneuver. It’s actually closer to the size of a mini cart than a full-sized cart. I ended up not getting everything I wanted because it wouldn’t have fit.
The scanning function is touchy. It sometimes took several passes to get an item to scan, and a couple of times, I just used the little scanner up in the mini basket.
The onboard computer is not as tied to my loyalty card as I’d like. Forgot having it actually pull my list when I log in (seems simple enough), but it doesn’t work with ApplePay, whatever the Google version is called, or even with their native KrogerPay. You have to have a physical credit card on you to pay.
Hopefully, they get that fixed in time. Even with self-checkout, I can use KrogerPay and have it automatically charge my card on file.
Lastly, you can’t take the carts outside, so if you can’t carry what you bought, you have to offload to a traditional cart to transfer them to your car. That’s pretty stupid, frankly.
All in all, it’s early days, and I’m hopeful it gets better. Scan-Bag-Go was a struggle at first, but I came to love that. This is nowhere near as convenient as that was.
One thing I will say - unlike Scan-Bag-Go, Kroger has trained a cadre of staff positioned throughout the store to help with these. I was approached several times to find out if I needed help. Scan-Bag-Go, they tossed that out with no worker training, and the shopper was left to figure it out on their own.
I’m not giving up on this yet, I’ll give it a few more tries, but not that thrilled with it yet, though I’m cautiously optimistic it’s going to improve.