Plans for today (2019-2022)

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I was left handed. Tried to write that way at school, but it was the theory then that you could be forced to learn with your right hand (early 70s) and I was made to do so.
Then having sorted life out, writing mostly with my right hand, but doing everything else left handed, I hurt my wrist in a simple accident. I didn't know it at the time but I have hypermobility syndrome and the damage to the tendons in this accident meant that they couldn't prevent my wrist dislocating 20-30 times a day. I spent 13 years with my left wrist in plaster until I threatened to sever the nerves in my arm myself if something wasn't do to deal with the pain I was in. I couldn't cope anymore with the chronic pain I was living in, pure and simple. After that I actually got the treatment it needed. I was referred to the top wrist specialist in the country who quickly diagnosed some if the problem. Out turned out it was dislocating in 2 different places, not one. After numerous operations (11 i think) and various nerves removed, dead bones removed, others shortened and tendons also shortened I now have a wrist that doesn't hurt too much and only dislocate maybe once it twice a month. I can cope with that. But I never ever managed to work out how to iron with my right hand and not actually burn my left hand ginger tips. I don't have that coordination. Ironing went out of the window.
I like ironing. It's kind of like therapy.

That's fine and I can understand that. If you enjoy it then that is good. What I dislike is the tyranny of it. Its not really necessary. But a lot of people do it because they feel they have to - and hate (even dread) doing it.
That's fine and I can understand that. If you enjoy it then that is good. What I dislike is the tyranny of it. Its not really necessary. But a lot of people do it because they feel they have to - and hate (even dread) doing it.
I only iron my shirts. I like an unwrinkled shirt; otherwise, I feel a bit slobbish. Mostly I wear jeans for trousers and I absolutely don't press those. Jeans with a sharp crease just don't look right to me. They're meant to be casual.

Bedding...nah, I don't iron that. It's just going to wrinkle right up anyway.

There's a funny little TV ad making the airwaves right now, about a teen boy who brings a girl back to her house after a date, and the car's seatbelt has wrinkled his shirt. The girl's mom takes one look at him and runs him off because she assumed the wrinkled shirt was due to some fooling around. :)
Good! Ironing is a waste of life IMHO. Sadly, even in our liberated times (how long have we be saying that?), men are still expected to wear a sort of 'uniform' in certain jobs. I don't really understand it.

We are expected to look smart in the office but no uniform.
I don't mind ironing, helps to clear my mind.
New iron purchased-Russell Hobbs.

I iron pillowcases. Bit of a neat freak when it comes to ironing, like stuff to look neat before wear/usage.
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