Well, that was a boondoggle. We got in the car, turned right, went about a mile, then left and went about two miles, then left again for another mile, and arrived at the firehouse that serves as our polling station.Off-year elections, so we'll go vote
Me: "Hmmmm...that's odd. No signs out for voting."
Wife: "Yeah, they sent a card in the mail a while ago saying the polling station had changed."

"Where is it now?"
"Over by the school, I think."
Off we head toward the school, another five or six miles away. Get there, no signs or anything.
I broke out the phone and checked the local board of elections. Instead of just listing the polling stations by township, you have to put in your address. I put in my address.
"Address is invalid or unknown."

So I called the board of elections.
"Yeah, it's at the school now."
"I'm at the school. I don't see it."
"It's around back."
Drove around back, there's a back entrance, no signs or anything (and I'm pretty sure it's the law that polling stations have to be plainly marked on Election Day), stick my head in, yep, it's the voting place.
All of that to vote in three uncontested races, one school board race, and a tax levy. And they wonder why off-year election voter participation is about 15%.