Oh the bliss of being retired <smug>.
No sorries, I begrudge no one their hard-earned retirement. Enjoy! That'll be me in a little over 2,200 days.
As someone who's been in IT for about 30 years, the career field has shifted, and I'd warn anybody out of it, or at least with a huge caveat of "be sure you want to work evenings, overnights, holidays, and weekends, because that's when you'll be working...as well as your regular day shift."
When I first started, 1988, "computers" were still largely a mystery, no one outside of the nerds in the computer room (me) knew how they worked, and it gave systems people a lot of power.
When I first started, IT told the user/business community when upgrades would happen, when the system would be down, when releases would happen, and we scheduled the maintenance, and it sure wasn't over the weekend if we could help it.
Now it's exactly the opposite, the users whistle and we dance. "The system can't be down during business hours!" Before everything became so system-reliant, there was always a manual way to complete a job, but now, no system, no work being done that day, so now we have to do any maintenance, releases, upgrades at night and on weekends/holidays, as well as work during the day for real-time issues.
We were once gods, now we're lower than peasants! Ok, I exaggerate, but not by much.