I went through a phase of genealogy searching - it becomes addictive and also exponentially more difficult with every generation you go back (the choice of male/female lines at each juncture... it can become quite mind boggling.
That's precisely why I have virtually no interest in it. Eventually, it's all going to lead to everyone related to everyone else, so in a way, I already know the answer.
It's just too broad a thing to tackle, and taking one branch all up through the men (which I guess makes some sort of sense, with the never-changing surname) just seems patently unfair in some way, but that's how it's always presented, father to grandfather to great-grandfather, etc.
I have a good idea about my dad's side (again, men only), as my granddad's brother paid for thorough genealogy study back in the 1970's (and kept it to himself!). An amateur did my mom's side, started with her mother, but immediately shifted to the men, so it goes my grandmother, her father, his father, etc.
The truth is, though...there are interesting little stories on either side, and that's fun, but I just can't see obsessing over ancestors, or somehow drawing a connection that because my great-great-great-grandfather played violin in the Richmond, VA community orchestra, that's somehow why I'm a musician today.
I actually get irritated with the Ancestry.com adverts here because they really play up that angle. The one that really gets me is the guy who thought he was German and found out he was Scottish (or the other way round). At the start, he says something like, "I'd always been told my family were German, and I belong to a German society, and my kids dance in a German dance group, and we always have bratwurst and sauerkraut," all spoken while he's in lederhosen.
Then he goes on to explain, "...but after my DNA test, I discovered that my family is 53% Scottish!" - and now he's in a kilt and doing Highland dancing and trying to play the bagpipes.
That's just posturing to me. That's phony, fake. You find out your family has Scottish origins, so you just turn your heritage on and off like a tap? For some reason, that really irritates me. I yell at that guy every time I see that ad.