Plans for today (2019-2022)

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We're going to a proper diner for breakfast in the morning, first time in...15 months (used to be a weekly thing for us). We're pretty excited also! :hyper:
Good isn't it, we are booked into an actual real restaurant next Sunday too, that hasn't happened this year.
Back to office today, no smart working or zoom calls. So my day started by catching the train to Milan (I’m on the train right now), then metro, walking a bit and get to my office, meet colleagues, sitting at my desk (I foresee just for a few mins), crazy telephone ringing, then going to the small theatre next to office, talking to the troupe, running back to the office and then going to the other set.. maybe lunch break or more probably eating a sandwich while walking or sitting in front of my PC.. same for part of the afternoon and come back home tired.
How much I missed this.
MrsT is already mad. We were about to be sat at a table when a booth opened, so we asked if we could sit there, and she told us to go ahead.

It was across the room, so the waitress over by the booth didn't hear that exchange, so when we plopped down, she snapped, "You can't sit down until that's been cleared!"

I simply explained that What's-Her-Face told us we could go ahead and sit, and that was that as far as I was concerned, but MrsT isn't letting it go. :laugh:
Work day for us...we are still filling bulk meat orders on Mondays and Thursdays. We get a delivery around 8 in the morning and organize pick ups....we have to stick around all day...I'm the runner..we have freezers and refrigerators in our shop so I go and get it while people wait, I can't really get into anything very involved as I have to be available intermittently through the day...
Gonna have some BBQ while in St. Louis?
Not sure...we're going to an Italian restaurant tomorrow - Michelin-starred chef in Italy, working here now, something like that. Looking forward to that.

Saturday is an event at the Anheuser-Busch place, not sure what'll be on offer there.
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