Plans for today (2019-2022)

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Another busy day today.
Only advantage is that the evening meal is already cooked. It just needs warming through and some protein adding to it.

Breakfast, usually hubby's job but obviously not currently.

hang the washing before we leave at 8;15am it's currently 2°C out so this may be a futile exercise but with the UV being so high in Australia it does frequently dry is the skies are clear. They are not currently.

Drive him to his consultants appointment 1hr 15 mins away. You can't park there, so drop him, park up, pay (so missing my disabled badge lol), walk back to him...

Afterwards, I've got to get the remaining weekly shop done, then off to try to find parts for this dismantled lawnmower of mine that's in the garage. Also need a few other bits from the hardware shop as well, plus so sugar cane mulch for the chooks so I can clean them out.

Lunch will need to be eaten out...

Post the postal vote forms so we don't hey find for not voting (it's mandatory in Australia).

Then I've got to come home via somewhere I've forgotten about and why.... crap hope I remember soon. But I remember that I'd worked out it was going to be 3hrs driving today, so I guess that's in the city somewhere because even the shortest option for today is 2½hrs driving...

And I need fuel yet again.

Once home, chooks need to be let out, wood needs to be gotten in and washing checked on.
Chooks head counted in and I can then reheat our evening meal, collapse in a chair and try hard not to fall asleep until I've probably had to rehang the washing in front of the fire to finish off drying out.

Still not figured out when I'll schedule my physio exercises, update CB server, but I am cutting the lawn tomorrow if i can repair the mower! So i might bale on the exercises another couple of days... (cutting the lawn is a 2 or 3 day job for me because the lawn is huge... we really need a ride on mower but finances don't allow that so, the front lawn is about 25m × 40m minimum (I've got the 50m electric fence stretched out on it at present). There are then 2 side lawns and a back lawn that cover more than that combined. So about 2,000m² minimum....)

I think I might pencil in sleep so I can get some scheduled! Lol.

The weekend is likely all gardening, chooks and wood, plus some cooking. Hubby is still breaking into my pensions back in the UK for me... The last thing either of us want is to hear any more news on the general election! At least advertising it is banned for the moment. Sadly TV reporting isn't! (Aka the news)
Our plans went fairly well to plan today. After breakfast, we drove around Shippensburg (which we’ve done before), just to get a feel of the town, then we met the park supervisor of one of the retirement communities, to show up a house that’s up for sale, and to talk about buying new ones that are just going up.

I really liked this guy - imagine Joe Biden in jeans, a t-shirt, and work boots. But what I really liked…he was a bit of an open book about things, as in: “I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but…,” then he’d tell us something he shouldn’t have told us. :laugh: Very nice guy, though, likable.

On the way to lunch, we drove by another community we didn’t know about, so we ducked in and drove around, but no one was in the office. We called and left a message, hoping they call us back tomorrow, though it’ll be hard to fit it in.

Lunch spot:





My SIL tried that crap once. I stress once. :laugh:

She said, “Hey, guess what, I’ll be there tomorrow night!”

I replied, “No, you won’t!” :laugh:

Seriously, she didn’t even ask, she just said it like a fact, and that really cheesed me off.

I have my own bedroom and bathroom at my sister's house. I have a key to the house. I know the security code.

Keep in mind, I am also a free general contractor. I've stocked her garage with tools, so I don't have to bring my own.

She does "cheese me off" from time to time, but all I generally need to do is give here the caseydog "hairy eyeball." I got that from my dad. My ex-wife knew it, too.

John Belushi had it.


I have my own bedroom and bathroom at my sister's house. I have a key to the house. I know the security code.

Keep in mind, I am also a free general contractor. I've stocked her garage with tools, so I don't have to bring my own.

She does "cheese me off" from time to time, but all I generally need to do is give here the caseydog "hairy eyeball." I got that from my dad. My ex-wife knew it, too.

John Belushi had it.

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My wife has it as well. Her mother never did with me. She loved me, but wouldn't say so. Lol.

I always forget this thread exists. Anyway:
  • Visit podologist
  • Get ponytail cut, make appointment with barber for next week
  • Buy birthday present for birthday girl tomorrow
  • Try to rest because birthday and fantasy shopping venue visit tomorrow
  • Cook dinner for me and husband
  • Go grocery shopping
  • Play World of Warcraft or Diablo 3
  • Cook dinner for stepson
  • Rest up and go to bed early for tomorrow
Plans for today:

Breakfast at the Town Hall restaurant in Blue Ball, which is closing for good at the end of the year.

Going through two (or is it three?) retirement communities today, all in the Myerstown/Lebanon area.

Anniversary dinner out tonight (anniversary was yesterday).
Plans for today:

Breakfast at the Town Hall restaurant in Blue Ball, which is closing for good at the end of the year.

Going through two (or is it three?) retirement communities today, all in the Myerstown/Lebanon area.

Anniversary dinner out tonight (anniversary was yesterday).
Hope you have a great time and happy anniversary! 🥳
Plans for today:

Breakfast at the Town Hall restaurant in Blue Ball, which is closing for good at the end of the year.

Going through two (or is it three?) retirement communities today, all in the Myerstown/Lebanon area.

Anniversary dinner out tonight (anniversary was yesterday).
I'm sorry, but I saw the photo of "Blue Ball" in another thread and it made me laugh in the most juvenille sort of way!
I really had no idea that there was a Blue Ball, OH or anywhere else for that matter. I bet a lot of women get a big laugh out of that one. The men, not so much.
Both Blue Balls (meaning the two towns, of course :whistling:) are named that for the same reason: there was first a tavern/inn located on the site, and their respective owners hung up either a big blue ball or a sign with a big blue ball painted on it, and a village, then town grew up around it, and everyone just took to calling each place Blue Ball.

Here’s what the PA wiki entry says:
In the early 18th century, John Wallace built a small building in Earl Town at the intersection of two Indian trails, French Creek Path (Route 23) and Paxtang (Route 322). He hung a blue ball out front from a post and called it "The Sign of the Blue Ball". Locals soon began calling the town "Blue Ball" after the inn. In 1833, Earl Town officially changed its name to Blue Ball.

Sounds nice, right?

Now compare that to the wiki entry for Blue Ball, OH:
Blue Ball was so named because that image appeared on its tavern's signboard for the benefit of the illiterate.

Short and sweet. No nice story for us. :laugh:
Tandoori lamb cutlets with Bombay potatoes. Then I'll deep fry some prawns I keep in the freezer in the garage. I will cook and eat before she gets home from the rugby. Yummo
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