Sayings: logical/illogical/translated

I've been aiming for the sea away from him so if it's a 180 it's a 180!
Here’s me right now:


And to add an on-topic saying: “Lord, it’s come up a cloud!” - it’s storming.
Salty always meant sort of rude as in sweary cheeky jokes here. It probably always meant the other thing too but I'm not aware of anyone using it that way until the yoof started not that long ago.
It means that as well, as in, “Enough of that salty language, young man!” but that’s considered something of an antiquated use, I think, like something my folks would say, but not me.
It means that as well, as in, “Enough of that salty language, young man!” but that’s considered something of an antiquated use, I think, like something my folks would say, but not me.
Yer thats definitely old language but that was it was used for, then it disappeared and resurfaced with my sons gen using it in it's current form. I always liked the word. Dunno why?!
My mom used to say, "Don't get pithy with me" LOL.
Mine used to say "Don't back chat"
I never understood it.

If she'd said don't chat back I would have got it but the words being the wrong way around meant I every time she said it I just thought but I'm chatting to your front 😆

Then as I got older I thought perhaps it means I'm trying to back date the conversation and it should only go forward?

And finally when I no longer cared I just used to imagine being able to talk out of your back and wouldn't that be weird 🤣

Thing is she was always so cross when she said it I couldn't ask what it meant 😂
I think that’s meant to be the same as “back talk,” and very common here. My mom would frequently say, “…and no lip from you!”
I've heard those before. I guess we must have been sass-mouthed children, although I always thought I was rather well-behaved.

How about "children should be seen and not heard"? Nice way of saying, "Keep your mouth shut around adults". I wish that was still enforced. I was over at nephew's house for the family party yesterday and his darling 8-year-old daughter kept interrupting conversations adults were trying to have.

I also remember "spare the rod, spoil the child".
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