Yesterdays late late breakfast aka brunch, a brunch so late it was essentially lunch

It was a disaster from start to finish.
The fact something edible made it onto the table is a small miracle, I nearly threw all my pans out of the pram

Strange how something you make often on auto pilot can sometimes just go completely awry!
Disasters that occurred-
Someone (Mr SSOAP) adjusted the timers on the toaster so the muffins were suddenly burnt.
I took my eye off the perfectly executed hollandaise for a moment and boom it curdled.
The eggs were already poaching and I couldn’t rectify the sauce quickly enough so the first lot of eggs were hard poached!
After the ice cube and fast whisking didn’t work and due to being down to my last eggs (it’s eight eggs for four people) I broke out the immersion blender. Even that took a moment or two to pulverise the sauce into submission. It lost it’s rich opaque look but tasted good and there was no discernible graininess and that was good enough for me.
I toasted some more muffins and take two was a success, kinda!
This was my first time back in the kitchen proper since being under the weather so this was supposed to be a treat, I can confirm it was not