An apple or banana
I poach eggs in just shimmering/simmering water. If it's boiling hard, the eggs will break up too much. It also helps if you break the eggs into a small dish and then kind of just slide/tip the egg into the water.
Well done for attempting the Hollandaise - its difficult to see the texture of it due to the egg yolks but it does look a bit liquid. It should form a fairly thick emulsion. Its similar to making mayonnaise in that respect although the emulsion is not quite as thick as in mayo.
I poach eggs in just shimmering/simmering water. If it's boiling hard, the eggs will break up too much. It also helps if you break the eggs into a small dish and then kind of just slide/tip the egg into the water.
If I were to put it into words, Hollandaise Sauce requires cooking the Egg Yolks as a particulate suspension in Lemon Juice ( a splash ) and drizzled Butter. It therefore requires constant whisking to keep the Yolk from clumping up ( scrambling ). It's time critical, as putting it aside allows the Butter to begin to cool and solidify. It is heat critical in that you don't want it to scramble in heat, just cook the Yolks as suspended particulate. Thus we cook the sauce in a bowl above a pan of boiled steaming water, but not in it.
Yes I know! But it does also work in the microwave. Time critical as you say.
I read your posts on doing it in the microwave. I prefer for now to do things the traditional way until I get a handle on that.