Show us your pet (2017-2024)

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Arwen and Strider. Yes names from "Lord of The Rings"


Arwen as a young puppy

My avatar is of our 1st 4 pugs that have gone over the rainbow bridge, they were with us for 12.5 to almost 15 years before they crossed. From left to right, they were Sampson, Pandora, Circe, and Cleopatra.

Cleo was actually our DD's pug, but she was still living with us then, working and getting some of her core college credits done, so grandpa and I "baby sat" a lot. Cleo eventually came back to live with us permanently after DD got married and had a baby as there were some issues once Cleo wasn't the only baby in the house anymore.

Pandora was a Christmas gift to me from Craig, as I was incredibly sad because both my babies were leaving us to start at a new school over 1000 miles away. She was a box full of mischief.

We ended up getting Circe about 6 weeks later because Pandora became extremely attached to me, literally followed every step I took, would only go out if I took her, etc. Circe was outgoing, happy, actually smiled nearly all the time, and outrageously flirted with men. She really lived up to her name. Pandora became her little buddy and stopped being so obsessed with me.

Sampson came to us in an odd way. We were at PetSmart getting food for the girls. Craig noticed a man carrying him around the store and pointed him out to me. Of course I had to coo over him because he was such a cutey, and we told the man about our girls. We go about our business, check out, and are outside putting our bags in the car when the guy walks up and asks if we want Sampson. Says he can't keep him anymore, we can have him for free, and he's starting to cry. We talk a bit more, asking ?s, and the guy is crying even more. We end up taking him obviously, stop at the vet on the way home, he appears to be in perfect health, about a year old, so home we go to introduce him to the girls. That goes well and then we find out why. There were some behavioral issues that took a long time and lots of patience to correct. I suspect there was a new girlfriend or wife, possibly even a new baby involved, maybe even some abuse/meanness to him on somebody's part. But, we got the issues pretty much fixed, with a tiny backslide on rare occasions, and he became mommy's special little man.

Fast forward just short of 11 years, I had to stay with my dad for a couple of months due to his dementia and my stepmom being in the hospital and then rehab. His outdoor/indoor cat had 3 kittens, I ended up bringing 2 home, mainly because 1 decided I belonged to her, and the other because he was a sweetie and I didn't want another Pandora situation, and also because I knew the time we had with our pugs was drawing closer to the end. So Mork and Mindy became part of our family. I'll post a picture of Mindy later, but here is a video of Mork giving Circe a massage. She and Pandora were the only ones that would allow it, though Pandy wouldn't to the extent Circe did. Believe it or not, he was still technically a kitten then. He's huge and Mindy is a tiny petite little thing, totally different coloration, though she is his boss and let's him know it.

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Cats are creatures of habit and have their time clocks set .. I had 2 kit kats growing up and 2 kit kats when my twin sons were just entering elementary school. They are all the same when it comes to their " breakfast " .. I used to leave 2 tiny bowls of "pickies" for them so they could go about their business when ever they wished ..
Sons or kits ? :D
I find that about our female cat "Dennis".
My cat Rocky is female too, and she has a brother called Lenny. Their previous owner was a boxing fanatic, and also thought they were both boys. I tell people "Rocky" is short for Roxanne. It saves a lot of odd questions.
@The Late Night Gourmet the first photo was dark. The second, big eyes, bowl in mouth :laugh: What is not to love?
@medtran49 that video - :roflmao:
My younger cat - Daisy Faye - is a box/bag cat. When a box comes into the house she sits next to it with a "Hurry up and open it" expression on her face. She loves boxes and bags. Since there have been many form Christmas she has been in heaven. Today was trash and recycle day so most of the boxes and bags went away. I did keep one box and a bag for her to play with.
Daisy is so crazy. When she is in a box she thinks she is invisible. When she is in a bag I pick it up and carry it around the house - she swoons with joy. What a nut case.

I consider myself the humble servant to my girls. I do not own them - they own me - us. When I sit in my chair they will jump up and sit in my lap. George was always jealous. In the last couple of weeks the girls have started sitting with him. Prior to his weight loss there was no room for them. Having lost 65 lbs. he now has a lap and there is room for them to cuddle with him. I have to get a picture. The look on his face is angelic. His friends laugh - this big old man's man enamored with cats. If only they knew how soft hearted he really is.

We have a bird feeder outside. George loves seeing the birds - and squirrels, feeding. He is especially fond of the doves.

I just caught Pepper chasing his tail. That's right: a pug chasing his tail (which is short and curly).

That's Iron Chef Showdown playing in the background.
My male black cat has a curly tail. He looks like a pug from the neck backwards. He had several operations on his gut when he was a kitten which have left him slightly un-normal cat shape.
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