Looks like we have another member to add to the dog and the 3 tortoises.
I present Cyril, the agouti (or acure, as they're known here). He's a smaller cousin to the cabybara, and a bigger cousin to the guinea pig.
Very shy; as soon as anyone moves, he scampers up the hill to the safety of his nest, but he can smell a banana from 50 feet and he'll come running out to find it. You can just see that whitish patch in front of his nose; that's a banana.
I present Cyril, the agouti (or acure, as they're known here). He's a smaller cousin to the cabybara, and a bigger cousin to the guinea pig.
Very shy; as soon as anyone moves, he scampers up the hill to the safety of his nest, but he can smell a banana from 50 feet and he'll come running out to find it. You can just see that whitish patch in front of his nose; that's a banana.