Show us your pet (2025)

Looks like we have another member to add to the dog and the 3 tortoises.
I present Cyril, the agouti (or acure, as they're known here). He's a smaller cousin to the cabybara, and a bigger cousin to the guinea pig.
Very shy; as soon as anyone moves, he scampers up the hill to the safety of his nest, but he can smell a banana from 50 feet and he'll come running out to find it. You can just see that whitish patch in front of his nose; that's a banana.
Agouti Cyril.jpg
I'll have to apologise for the rotation part way through, but this was recorded for the sound track that 1 of my chooks is making. The brown one is called "Modem". 28k or 52k we're not sure but she reminds us of one and as my OH said, "we couldn't exactly call her dial-up"

Sleeping security guards are real.

My brother used to work as a security guard when he was younger - night shift.
All of them used to take an alarm clock to work with them so they could get up and do requisite checks at required times :ohmy:
When we had on-site security at my current job, it wasn’t unusual to see the guy in the guard shack snoozing away.
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