Spices you have never used

That book is a sort of Bible to me. I 've been recommending it on the forum since forever. Its also very witty and well written. There is a sequel which I also have. Every serious cook needs this book.
Grains of paradise and herbs de provence are two that come to mind.
I've never used grain of paradise either.

I know it's about spices you don't use, but in one of the links, I am missing turmeric, galangal, kecur (kentjoer, lesser galangal) & some more similar ones. I use them quite often ;), but I can imaging people not having heard of them
On Gernot Katzer's index, there are 20 items I have never used, and most of them are herbs.
The only spices I've never used are cubeb pepper, blue fenugreek,Mahaleb cherry and Tasmania pepper.
Which list are we all using?
I've found a number more spices I've never used, but sometimes I don't know if something is a spice or a herb.
(and sometimes I have no clue about the ingredient and google needs to come to the rescue)
Which list are we all using?
I've found a number more spices I've never used, but sometimes I don't know if something is a spice or a herb.
(and sometimes I have no clue about the ingredient and google needs to come to the rescue)

I think the list karadekoolaid provided is the most comprehensive (although it does contain herbs). Given the internet doesn't seem to have an extensive list of spices (without spice mixes or herbs included) I thought I might make one for the forum. I need ta bit of spare time...
For the time being here is screen shot of the list provided by karadekoolaid. One problem with this list (apart from it containing a lot of herbs) is that some spices are listed alphabetically in a confusing way. For example 'Lesser galangal' rather than simply galangal. Some I don't understand such as long coriander - I think its actually Mexican coriander leaf (so a herb). Mustard seed is listed as black mustard but there is no yellow mustard seed on the list etc.

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