marked. i do not like filo as much, so i will keep chasing strudel. filo is available in every store here and it is deent, really, very often used for both sweet and savoury pies. it is almost a traditional thing here, due to the Austrian influences. however, the bakeries sell the filo pastries in a deteriorated way, which i do not like really, and now tht i am out of eating white flour, i do not buy them any more. no loss. evene the fillings are messed up, there is no fruit in it really, just a mash of something in the approximate colour.
the only variation i like is the punpkin pita, but it is with an entirely different dough, very soft...juicy and delicious, pumpkin and cheese, i think i wrote about it here some time ago, as i am off dairy too.
of course, one should and could go to a decent patisserie and find good strudel. or to a restaurant. i did neither for a long time, as am off sugar, so it is a great opportunity to learn something new.