The Alphabet Game: Dishes using Za'atar

Next up then is herbs - could be tricky. Herbs means herbs (not spices). In culinary terms that means the leaves or flowers of a plant (dried or fresh).

'A '- all I can come up with is:

Ackee Leaf (traditionally made into tea in Jamaica)


Not a normally used as a herb I'm - roots are classified as spices.

But I double checked whether the ginger flowers are used in cooking and its seems they can be:

Many of the ornamental varieties are edible in certain ways. For example, butterfly ginger (Hedychium coronarium) is reported to have edible roots and blooms. ... According to Hawaiian Plants and Tropical Flowers: “The unopened flower buds are edible and very flavorful, and they are used in Southeast Asian cooking.”

Which Gingers are Edible? | The Survival Gardener

Entry edited to Ginger flowers.

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