The CookingBites Recipe Challenge: Mustard

I only ask because Kale is such a nutritional powerhouse in terms of vitamins and minerals but I absolutely hate the taste. I have not found a way to prepare kale so I like the taste.

Thais eat quite a lot of kale. And, as is Thai standard practice, there is so much fish sauce and so many chillies it's difficult to determine the taste of the kale.

Crispy pork with kale and hot chillies.

crispy pork kale.jpg
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I wouldn't presume to describe this as a recipe, but it's tasty and involves mustard.

The humble cheese sandwich; my preference for this particular version would be mature Cheddar, but whatever cheese you fancy, really. Some Cheddar and chopped onion at first, then spread some English mustard on the top layer of bread. Put your two bits of bread together and there you have it. I like to leave the sandwich for a few minutes to let the mustard infuse itself a little. It gives the whole thing some zing.

Mustard Green Pesto.

Something that has never been uttered in the history of pesto making: “There’s not enough mustard!”

Until now, that is. Besides mustard greens, I used my homemade mustard, and decided to top the mustard glazed grilled chicken I made yesterday. And, it’s not overpowering. The mustard greens really stand up to the mustard.

Recipe link added.
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