Kake Lover
Zesty Pomegranate Rice
Not my recipe:
Recipe from Good Food magazine, January 2010
...but I'm going to try it.
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That looks gorgeous.....
This is my recipe for challenge
When I cut one open to get the 'jewels' out, I wasn't quite as prepared as I should have been for the stunning splash of juice, I keep finding another red spot to wipe!
I bought this the other day - its a pomegranate de-seeder. I haven't yet tried it. I'm sure its a total waste of money but it only cost £3.50.
Here are the ingredients for my next entry:
Its going to take a while to write it up as there are a few techniques... its a dessert (of course). I will post it up tomorrow. Late here now...Wow! I can't wait to read your recipe.
Baked Rice Pudding with Pomeganate, Apricots and Flaked Almonds
I don't see that this links to a recipe.
Its great to see more entries coming in! You are going to have a tough job on your hands judging this one @flyinglentris!
..the link should work now @flyinglentris.
OOOOOOOH! I can guess.
OOOOOOOH! I can guess.