The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Not as thick and the amount it was or the color, it was like old gold. It has now lightened in color, besides decreasing in amount.
Hope you're feeling a little less sore. I had a similar burn from hot oil back in October 2 weeks before my hip op and it was still hurting at the time of the op, but I can imagine one quite that size not hurting for a while longer.

If the weeping doesn't stop soon, please ask for a swab to be done.
News item on the box last night showed snowing texas. Hostages involved. Hope its resolved.


Snow is common in West Texas in the winter. Texas is a big state.

As for the hostage thing, the hostages are all okay, the hostage taker is dead. That was in Colleyville, a suburb of Fort Worth. The hostage taker was a British citizen with no criminal record, or any other red flags attached to his name. We'll have to wait to find out what happened.

I went grocery shopping yesterday at Publix, which is like nicer Krogers, and I'm saying nicer in that I've been in Krogers in very rural areas, as well as cities, and the larger the city the nicer the Kroger from what I've experienced. In the past Publix could always be counted on to have things that Winn Dixie didn't. Not anymore apparently.

Last week, the paper towel shelves were practically empty, less than a dozen packages of not so nice brands and the TP shelves weren't much better. Yesterday, Publix had ABSOLUTELY NO unfrozen poultry at all, totally bare shelves and, while there was a decent selection of beef and pork, there weren't the normal amounts. And, they were out of several produce items.

Plus, i got burned pretty bad last weekend when a pan half full of fresh off the stove boiling stock slipped off the back of the sink where I had apparently not placed it well and splashed on my abdomen, so I needed more nonstick gauze pads, which Publix was out of too, for several weeks according to the pharmacy.

So, I had to go to WD to get chicken and some of the produce I wanted, plus I figured I'd be making a trip to the medical supply store since, if Publix was out, i figured Walgreens, etc, would also be out. Surprise, surprise, WD had everything Publix didn't. The 1 good thing was that chicken was on sale at WD for $1.49 per pound, but I'd really have rather just gone to 1 store and paid a bit more.

A front is starting to move through giving us high winds, storms, tornado alert for 2.5 more hours today and it will bring a 20 plus degree drop in temps for us.
So sorry for your burns.
Wishes for a good healing.
Snow is common in West Texas in the winter. Texas is a big state.

As for the hostage thing, the hostages are all okay, the hostage taker is dead. That was in Colleyville, a suburb of Fort Worth. The hostage taker was a British citizen with no criminal record, or any other red flags attached to his name. We'll have to wait to find out what happened.

Yeah I heard the update here later. Cheers.

Jb called it an act of terror.

My besty is a plumber, hes calling round to adjust my pressure on a valve.
Top story is leaking onto bottom spouting which is leaking at the base.
It's been good watching birds bath and drink from the spouting. I need to put some water out for the birds when it's fixed. Lawn man is due as well so bit of maintenance today.
Saved my wife $600 earlier, she had her bonnet/hood resprayed about 3 years ago, its started peeling a while back. She took it back and got told it's from acid rain, wtf?
I rang the owner and threatened to expose this bs on the internet. Shes getting it fixed in 2 weeks and has a loaner car, free.
I'm quite convincing lol.


Grandkids watch it all the time , here and at home.
Poor Kevin
Yeah, I'm sure I watched it lots when our kids were little. I of course remember what it's about and the characters in it but not what the house looked like, etc.
I just got an email from Kroger, saying they're discontinuing their Scan-Bag-Go (SBG) program?!?!

WTF?!?! Nearly every major retailer has moved to a self-scan option, and "the largest traditional grocer" is canning theirs?!?!

Some background: SBG lets a shopper use an app on their phone to scan groceries while they're shopping, and then either pay at a self-serve kiosk or (if you're super with it, like me), pay via the app - all the fun of in-person shopping with none of that pesky human contact! What's not to love?!

Meijer has it...Sam's Club has it, and I think Walmart does...Target as well, and who know who else has it.

What's worse, Kroger's was my favorite of the lot - the most elegant, the easiest one to use, and the one with the most features. It was light years ahead of the other ones.

Their notice said they're "cooking up" other great shopping options, so I hope they're replacing it was something similar/even better, but if I know Kroger... :whistle:
This is the last piece of furniture my dad made before he more or less hung it up for good, now sitting in my living room:



My great uncle was a professional custom furniture builder, and he used to come by and "supervise" my dad, usually by offering highly critical comments about everything my dad was messing up.

He saw the light-colored wood filler my dad use to fill in some nail/screw heads, and belittled my dad for that - "What, you couldn't just mix in some of the wood dust with glue and made your own? It would have matched. If you don't beat all..."

Without missing a beat, Dad said, "I like the contrast. You gotta have a little imagination these days, old man!"

I know for a fact, because I was there when he filled those holes, that it was just about the last thing he had to do, and he was in a hurry to get it done, so he just used what was handy! :laugh:
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