The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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It is still lashing down with rain. A few minutes ago, I saw a woman going down the street, taking her dog for a walk. She was wearing pyjamas.

There are times where all you can do is look and wonder.
Christmas before last, we went to a restaurant and there was an entire family in pajamas.
Oh and a few years back, a friend wanted me to go with her to town so I put on nice pants, a bra and a nice shirt. A friend of hers saw me and said wow you do have day clothes. All he had ever seen me in was either sweat pants or shorts and a ratty tshirt. He considered those night clothes.
Forget pyjamas if it rains any heavier we might as well just go out in swimming costumes [nope bad idea - it's just way too cold].
Must say I find it odd that recently nearby we have suffered two major water main bursts [during the "drought" !!]. Perhaps if the water companies put more resources into repairing the [mostly victorian] water systems instead of hoping it will rain five days out of seven [even in mid summer] we might not have a drought in the first place.
I'm not sure that she noticed!
My hubby has worn a full beard non-stop since 1985. The only way I can tell he has trimmed it is the first kiss after he's done the trim. I can look at him all day and all I see is a Grizzly Adams beard. Once our chins bump, though, I notice the daggers in my skin! At least I noticed his haircut right away when he came home from running errands yesterday. That was a record...

We've been married 42+ years, but when I see him he still looks like the guy in our wedding pictures. Sure the hair has migrated from his head to his chin (gravity, I suppose) and there's a bit more to hug, but he still looks 26 and trim to me. :love:
Oh and a few years back, a friend wanted me to go with her to town so I put on nice pants, a bra and a nice shirt. A friend of hers saw me and said wow you do have day clothes. All he had ever seen me in was either sweat pants or shorts and a ratty tshirt. He considered those night clothes.
I have two wardrobe sections: around-the-house clothes, and going-out-in-public clothes. If it accomplishes nothing else, at least I don't stain up the clothes I wear out when I cooking in the kitchen. :laugh: I actually think that when my tops get moved from the "going out" side to the "stay at home" side they think it's a promotion.
I have two wardrobe sections: around-the-house clothes, and going-out-in-public clothes. If it accomplishes nothing else, at least I don't stain up the clothes I wear out when I cooking in the kitchen. :laugh: I actually think that when my tops get moved from the "going out" side to the "stay at home" side they think it's a promotion.
Cooking is the main reason I have around the house clothes. And I will wear them until they become rags.
Luckily hubby found me some new free t-shirts (promotional ones that had just been thrown in a corner) when my old ones were no longer even fit to carry out the trash. If yours are like mine, they get worn more around the house.

Now I have one dress that was given to me years ago. I can't stand it personally but it is long sleeve, comfortable and can be worn summer or winter. Sleeves are handy for cold churches. I keep it around for funerals.
I have two wardrobe sections: around-the-house clothes, and going-out-in-public clothes. If it accomplishes nothing else, at least I don't stain up the clothes I wear out when I cooking in the kitchen. :laugh: I actually think that when my tops get moved from the "going out" side to the "stay at home" side they think it's a promotion.

It never occurred to me to have two sets of clothes. I generally stick to black tops (stains don't show). :D We could of course, wear aprons.
I have 3 sets of clothes - house clothes (indoor casual wear), outdoor clothes AND co-starring a section of clothes that no longer fit me!
I have 3 sets of clothes - house clothes (indoor casual wear), outdoor clothes AND co-starring a section of clothes that no longer fit me!
Now I can still get into the wrap around skirt with very long ties that I was wearing when I met my husband. The question is now do you want to see everything up front or everything in back. It used to wrap around and actually cover everything. Now it has gotten shorter in length and there is at least a 20 cm gap between the ends of the material when I put it on. Of course I have gained about 4 stones over the years.

Are you talking that section that needs a new home? I have that section too.
I pretty much have 5 sets of clothes: my gardening/yardwork clothes for getting dirty, my work clothes (which are comfortable, hanging out in clothes) that my wife says I look like I'm still in high school, more formal clothes (suits and ties and so on), skiing and winter sports clothing, and some "nicer" more fashionable but still casual clothes for family events, or parties, or dinners out and such.

My wife has enough clothing, shoes, and handbags to dress a small nation.
It is still lashing down with rain. A few minutes ago, I saw a woman going down the street, taking her dog for a walk. She was wearing pyjamas.

There are times where all you can do is look and wonder.
I didn't know you lived near me! When it's cold, wet and/or windy, I just stick a pair of jogging bottoms on over my jimjams before I take the dog out. A nice fleecy pyjama top is much nicer than a tatty old jumper or T-shirt. The mutt has a nice warm waterproof fleecy coat too :D

Actually, before anyone slates people who go out in their pyjamas, maybe you should read this article
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