The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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So on today's whale watching trip we were taken to puffin island and saw loads of puffins and other sea birds, dolphins, minke whales and hump back whales, 1 came very close to the boat, magnificent creatures.
Tomorrow we drive to Akureyi, leave the hire car then check in at the airport for the 17.00 flight to Reykjavik for overnight stay. Bus pick up at 05.00 to take us back to Keflavik for the 08.55 flight back to Manchester then drive home. This has been absolutely fab, a lot of driving for my husband but we made sure we stopped regularly to see and do stuff. Today is the only no car day, whale watching for 4 hours, lunch, mooch around the whale museum, coffee and chocolate mint cake then back to the room to freshen up and relax before going out for dinner.
Asarnha Bucha Day today and Khao Phansa Day tomorrow. No alcohol to be sold for 48 hours.

I had 10 cases of lager delivered yesterday as a precaution.

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Up here for thinking, down there for dancing!
We went to the hotel bar for a drink, I asked for a mojito sour, the barman gave me a funny look and asked 'sour?' My reply was yes please, I don't like them sweet. It was spot on :thumbsup:
To this lover of Winter, those are great temps to get busy outside doing chores, or for sports. (Not necessarily swimming, though)
To this lover of Winter, those are great temps to get busy outside doing chores, or for sports. (Not necessarily swimming, though)
I am a winter lover as well. but today it is cloudy, overcast and dark (though it is daylight if you get me) and I am tired and falling asleep.
Cold and sunny working outside is nice and fine with me.

Cold and overcast, cloudy, damp and errrgh, is not anymore with my bad back. I acquired a disability, balance issues, walking issues, and some paralysis and a lot of pain back in November 2014 when a previously unknown birth defect made itself known when I put the phone down and turned to walk away...I spent most of yesterday in the wheelchair because we were out away from home. Life is not how I used to know it and is taking a while to adapt to. However, I am told I do considerably more than I should be doing - I just wish I felt that way about it.
Khao Phansa Day - I'm sure they managed to buy some alcohol somewhere.............

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I've just seen parsnips on sale here (in Bangkok) - Over £15.00/kg.

I shall not be ordering any.
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