The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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C'mon Yorky, only $12 for a single glass of cheap wine.

Cheap wine is not cheap here. Other than local wine (which is really crap) we'd be lucky to obtain a 70 cl bottle of French table wine for Bht 350.00 (just over $ 10.00).
The first wild raspberries of the brief season are on board...picked enough to make a small jar of jam yesterday evening. There is a rather small patch of them near us and the picking process usually involves scratches, stings and the odd insect bite if you're very lucky. These raspberries are surrounded by nettles, blackberries, thistles and other vicious defenders, but on the positive side, it does tend to deter other would-be pickers.
j k smith.jpg
Very quiet in the office today, 4 people on holiday, 1 working at the other branch. Tomorrow there will only be 4 of us instead of the usual 12!
It is 4.30 am and I am sat on the sofa, cannot sleep so came down here. The cat wants feeding but she can wait for feeding time at 6.30am.
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