NEVER EVER store your passwords on line. Do not stay logged in to a site. Do not open links. If you are interested type it in to the address bar. NEVER EVER open attachments. If you receive an attachment from someone you know, call and ask them if they actually sent it too you before opening it. Example: Friend is hacked. Hacker will go through their email contacts and generate virus attachments. They will go so far as to include a subject line. "funny", "think you will like this" trying to make you think it is from your friend.
Even on this site I do not remain logged in and I do not store my password. Certainly not for any site that you do financial transaction on - bank, credit card, Amazon, whatever.
Over the last several years we have had credit cards compromised once or twice a year. A royal pain! A couple of weeks ago I sat with G at his computer - did a little research. Not only was he logged in to financial sites but he also had his password stored!!
He honestly did not realize that he had done that. He also has a bad habit of opening links and attachments from his Buds. He never considers that his Buds may have been hacked.
I spent last week with my Brother. He set me up with software to store passwords, account numbers, personal information, safe combinations - whatever. The pass code for that software is a full page of random key strokes or a photo. I am still working on getting it set up. A lot of work to get started but a breeze once it is set up.
Anyway - my 2 cents.