Can I scream please?

(closest I can come up with)
Thank you. That feels better.
Hubby hit a kangaroo last night about 250meters from home.
He had a leaving do at work he had to attend and was home much later than usual as a result. He killed the roo outright (good thing in our view because it didn't suffer).
The rather substantial roo bars we had fitted did their job, but with a broken headlight assembly (broken by the roo bars flexing down onto the bonnet and the bonnet breaking the headlight assembly) the car isn't legal to drive. Plus there's now a dent in the bonnet, scuff marks on both sides and the roo bars need repositioning because they have shifted towards the car radiator (they are designed to do this in theory) around the 2 nuts and bolts on each side that hold them on. And on top of all of that
the chassis will need checking out because of the impact it has taken. They did their job. Without them the car would have been a write off and hubby in hospital at the very minimum.
The problem is that my 'new' car only has compulsory third party insurance until the end of this month. He is now in my car and the first thing he did was try to start it with it in gear and without his foot on the clutch whilst mentioning to me it has a manual choke! (the hand brake isn't holding and I always leave any manual in first or reverse anyway).
He's meant to be in Sydney from Sunday onwards and there is no way he's going in my vehicle. It won't be legal from Monday night onwards because he hasn't yet registered it in NSW and paid the CTP insurance which expires at the end of this month, (technically we get 3 months in which to register it so it wasn't an issue previously)... He's meant to be doing that today but...
So I'm back to having no car again...