The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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We had a food parcel by bus from my wife's mum yesterday. A big box of longan (maybe she thinks we don't have them here), four santol fruits ( and a bottle of pure honey.

There was also this bag of dok ngiew (Dried Red Cotton Tree Flower). I have no idea how it's cooked or with what - I'll keep my eyes open.

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There was also this bag of dok ngiew (Dried Red Cotton Tree Flower). I have no idea how it's cooked or with what - I'll keep my eyes open.

According to Wiki "The dry cores of the Bombax ceiba flower (Thai: งิ้ว) are an essential ingredient of the nam ngiao spicy noodle soup of the cuisine of Shan State and Northern Thailand, as well as the kaeng khae curry."
Our new accounts manager started yesterday, she is replacing the assistant accountant, my boss who is retiring this year but obviously needs to stay on for a while to train up her replacement. It is going to feel strange having a new boss, about 10 years younger than me, but it is a new chapter in everyones book.
The schools resumed today around here. Now, without wishing to go into Four Yorkshiremen mode, when I were lad, we used to go back to school on a Monday morning. It appears that today's precious lambs cannot be expected to survive an entire week at school after a mere eight weeks of holiday and have to be eased gently back in the middle of the week. Strange.
Sell by/Use by/Best by date.

This is printed on the cap of a sauce bottle that I have. I'm not sure which way up it's suppose to be nor what language it is written in.

Any ideas?

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27/01/17, I think - the rest is some kind of serial number. I wouldn't worry though - its only 19 months out of date. If sauce in a bottle looks and smells OK it will be fine.
It's a Yorkshire product. Maybe I've been away too long.
Today my husband reminded me of a programme we used to watch so I just youtubed a clip, Russell Coight All Aussie Adventure :roflmao:
Our new accounts manager started on Monday, nice lady, about 10 years younger than me a bit odd as she will be my new boss.

My husband and I agree that she looks familiar, we haven't met her before but something about her, just realised she reminds me of Liz Bonnin.
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