The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Our local Tesco Express are selling them, neither of us have seen them before. They have pink chocolate and a berry taste to them, apparently they are made with Ruby cocoa beans.

Found an image:

We have spent the past 2 weeks in a clean air environment, since being back my nose feels like I have been snorting grit, it is so sore it will settle down but it shows how polluted our air is.

Everywhere we went, public toilets were spotless abd clean, we landed at Heathrow-filthy! Some didn't work and couldn't be used, some were used but to capacity, rather embarrassing to be honest, not a good welcome for 1st time visitors.
The rain has stopped and the sun is out, still really windy so don't want to risk putting anything out on the line.

The house has been closed up for almost 3 weeks so it is good to have windows open to let some air through.
What I've been wondering lately is how you can describe your "job" as being a Tequila Brand Ambassador and keep a straight face at the same time.

I shall be busy for a few days as I am currently in the process of writing to more than 1,000 UK breweries to see if they have any "Brand Ambassador" vacancies.
What I've been wondering lately is how you can describe your "job" as being a Tequila Brand Ambassador and keep a straight face at the same time.

I shall be busy for a few days as I am currently in the process of writing to more than 1,000 UK breweries to see if they have any "Brand Ambassador" vacancies.
I wonder if that went on on the marriage certificate?
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