Thanks for the update, and now that you know what's going on, that's a big step toward treatment.
Depending on which blood thinner you go on, it may be very easily managed or a bit of a chore. MrsTasty started a lifetime regimen of blood thinners in 2013, initially using Coumadin/Warfarin (which requires a lot of management, but it's very popular with docs because it's been around a long time and is a known quantity), then switched to Eliquis (which is low maintenance, but it's a much newer drug, so lots of questions about long-term effects and how to counteract in an emergency).
I'll say one thing about blood thinners - here in the US, if you go to the emergency room for something, the first question they ask (after they get your insurance information, of course

is whether you're on blood thinners, and if you are, you get seen immediately, and there's very little sitting around waiting for this or that.