Glad to hear that. Just go someplace with clean air for a couple of weeks. One of my grandfathers had emphysema late in life, and when he visited my parents in Puerto Rico, he was a different man. He could breathe. So, maybe somewhere near an ocean.
If we could, we would right now. But hubby has a major operation coming up (1st week Feb) and it will take him 12 months to fully recover from it. Then he has to have it repeated on the other foot/ankle next year which will be complicated by the side of the body it is on. He won't be able to drive even after the inital 6-12 week recovery period and there are no other options if either one of them fails. The second one will leave major demands on me driving him everywhere, even after the inital recovery, because he won't even be able to drive his automatic.
But he has to have it now, it can't be delayed else he won't have recovered enough in time for winter and I can't manage chopping and carrying in all the wood we need for fuel for heating (especially so since my diagnosis with OA as well). We had worked the timing out carefully. If itis delayed, it has to be delayed by either exactly 6 months or 12 months. And if that happens, we actually the start to hit the time period that the same surgeon believes both my hips will need replacing in.
Also there are major fires between western and southern australia at present with the only sealed road linking the 2 states closed, so getting anywhere away from bush fires is currently very difficult.
There may be an option in a week or 2 for me to go to Melbourne with him on a training course but Melbourne is also currently suffering with poor air quality from the very serious bush fires in south eastern Victoria.
Go further north and we are starting to hit the start of the cyclone season with the first of the cyclone warnings and evacuations underway.
If I return to the UK, I face no NHS medical treatment because I have been out of the country for over 1 year and I will have to wait until I can access any treatment or even medication, so that is out. The irony is that in 5 weeks , my parents arrive here from the UK to help me for the first few weeks after hubby's operation!
So all I can do I stay have at present. The P3 quality air respirators have arrived which are easier to breath in and filter out much more than the disposable P2 masks you see people wearing in the news so I maybe able to start getting out of the house again. Today was the first time since the 27th December!
And by some good fortune hubby found a place that had just taken delivery of a stock of air purifiers (Dyson brand) and would take, actually offered to take, a deposit over the phone to secure one. So hubby has used the certificate to take the remainder of the day off work and drive somewhere (?) to go and pick it up.