Midlands, England
This is so bad I have not enjoyed the taste of tea for a few days 

Both my Audi and my BMW automatics have been amazing vehicles to drive. They were always in the correct gear at the correct time with bearly perceivable gear changes. Even going downhill they were stunning. You'd set your speed at the top of a hill, come off the accelerator pedal and the vehicle would hold that speed all the way down. In fact with my Audi, you'd often have to accelerate to maintain that speed. Every other automatic I've had down the same hills would drift and you'd live on the brakes to stay within the legal speed limit. I always judge the quality of an automatic by how well it holds its speed down a hill. You should not need the brakes all the way down a hill.
I had to stop driving manual gear boxes after a left arm injury left my wrist dislocating 20-30 times a day for 13-15 years. The only way I could continue to drive was to change to an automatic. My Landcruiser is however, a manual transmission, something Aussies find really odd in a 4x4! For me, the idea of driving an automatic 4×4 offroad is really odd!
Here's wishing everyone a happy, and more importantly, safe New Year for 2020.
Can't beleive I'm writing this, but before 7am this morning I had opened a bottle of red wine!
I'm cooking whilst it is still cool outside, 11°C! I think we're only due to get to 38°C today. I've checked and they have down graded us to 35 C today but with areas of thick smoke haze. But itis the wind that is the problem yet again. Easterlies all morning bringing smoke and ash this way but then westerlies this afternoon in the form of gales again and high enough to make firefighting impossible again.
Thank you.I am really feeling for you Aussies, hope this will be over soon.
Thank you.
It's hard for our families back in the UK as well because they only hear some of it and have to guess at the rest. Or they wake up to the news to hear only the worst. My parents understand the geography and know that place XYZ is on the coast and 100km away from us, but my husband's parents really don't understand or actually get that 100km is 65miles and fires take a lot of doing to cover that kind of distance. It is awful seeing the devastation on a scale that even after nearly 4 years out here, I still find hard getting my head around. Recovery is going to take years But one thing I have seen, time and time again, is how resilient Australians are. They simply have to be.
Got fed up making the Christmas dinner this year with only a single oven and the timing of the meat, sides, rolls with not enough room to cook simultaneously. Took advantage of the after Christmas sales at Bed, Bath and Beyond and purchased an Oster brand countertop oven with convection. Has an extra large capacity and will hold 2 - 9 x 13 baking pans. Used it for the first time today to bake cookies and was very happy with it. The best part - the store had it on sale with a sign next to it that says they price match with local or online retailers. Whipped out the old iphone and found it just listed on line with another retailer for $54 USD less - and they honored the price match! I was floored even though the sign said they would price match there was fine print that said some exclusions apply. Not this time. Yippee!! Today I saw it listed for $65 less.. guess I jumped to soon. Oh well, I am still happy with the price I paid. Oster Germany | Legendary performance. Designed to last.