The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I'd say it is definitely easier for a man to get a vasectomy. I didn't experience any significant pain, just a little soreness. Besides, I was distracted by the orchiectomy, which is what the call the testicular cancer surgery. In order to get all the connective tissue, they go in through your abdomen. The make a three-inch incision, that goes through muscle. Getting in and out of bed for about two weeks was torture. I couldn't lift anything over ten pounds for about six months (or push cars, something I do a lot for my job).


I can't imagine that pain. Mine was quite funny actually, I was on the bed with my lower exposed. The nurse was moving around the room, I thought I'm gonna watch her have a perv, I never took my eyes off her, as she was wheeling the trolley around I saw her take a quick peek, I grinned to myself. My after care was a bag of frozen peas around the area for 24 hrs. Then I was back at work. I never went back to get the sperm count,lol.

My brother Lee was in a nasty motorcycle accident when he was 18-19 years old, and a lot of the injury involved his groin, and during his recovery, he was told one of the results of his accident was that he'd never be able to produce children. He was a-OK with that.

Fast-forward about 15 years and his girlfriend ended up pregnant, and there was no doubt who the father was. So that was that.
I can't imagine that pain.
Russ mate, their is a strike in shotokan called Stealing of the Swans eggs. You drive your open hand into the groin to form an anvil the bring your other hand down like either a hammer or axe. It is only generally used when you have your opponent on the "ropes".
If I could get free spa treatment, I'd pretend to be in a lot of pain. :wink:

Dog Mate, Dr Tina rejected the Kalos on Korcula. She is arranging for us to have remedial therapy Makarska. It is state run by the Croatian Health service so free for both of us. They use health tourism to fund it hence the quality accommodation for both sectors. Home
A teacher at my former uni, an Eastern European lady, had her first biological child at 58. I'm many years younger and already a barren cow - and quite in terms with it; we had our children in the 90's. The teacher sought help from an Eastern European fertility clinic. I couldn't imagine attending a parents' meeting at 70 but hey, it's a free world. Maybe she and her husband are speechless of joy. Our president, 72, married a lady 28 years his junior. They had a baby boy in 2018. My grandfather was 35 years senior to my grandmother and had his youngest child in his 60's. He died of natural causes but I was born only after his death. (My other grandpa was killed in action during WW II). Somehow this senior men-younger ladies concept reminds me of Benny Hill (and a certain humor-accentuated dressing up rivalry:love:). I hope all kinds of rejuvenation clinics and pills are offered in 2050 when I'm having a princess day.


Credits: Old Lady With Crown Old People
My grandmother is the youngest of a series of 7/8 (?) siblings and her parents had her in their 40's. Her friends thought her parents were her grandparents, she always knew her parents as tired and somewhat sick and when she was 30 she had already lost both parents. My grandmother didn't get to enjoy her parents because of their age and she gets extremely upset when she sees people who are "old" parents (closer to their 40's), she really thinks it's a big cruelty to children (even though people today live longer and healthier).
My brother Lee was in a nasty motorcycle accident when he was 18-19 years old, and a lot of the injury involved his groin, and during his recovery, he was told one of the results of his accident was that he'd never be able to produce children. He was a-OK with that.

Fast-forward about 15 years and his girlfriend ended up pregnant, and there was no doubt who the father was. So that was that.

The mare was visiting two paddocks??

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