Last night, I was running around, as usual, trying to do six things at once while MrsT was playing on her phone. That always frustrates me, because how can one person not notice the other person running a marathon around the house, picking up dishing, putting away groceries, tending the laundry while they're doing nothing?
Anyway, in those instances, I usually passively-aggressively drop her a hint the size of a piano to get off her backside and help out. Last night, she told me she was holding a TV show until I could sit down and watch it, and I said, "Well, I've got to get the dog fed and then out with her, and then I've got to do the dishes, so the sooner all that's done, the sooner I can sit down."
I finished feeding the dog, during which time, MrsT got up and went in the kitchen, and I heard banging noises, so I went out with the dog, thinking, "Right, that did the trick."
Came back in, she was sat back down, and she said, "I straightened up the kitchen for you, I figured I'd help you out so we can relax more."
Went in the kitchen...all she did was collect the dirty pans and plates and things and stack/consolidate them in slightly neater piles a bit closer to the sink.