Sorry about your distressing issues with family. I hope things get better for you soon.Not really. I'm 53 and pursuing yet another diploma/degree (two vocational diplomas in horticulture, BTech in environmental planning and three halted master's degree studies in different fields - one lacking just the thesis) but a reasonably comprehensive education/training and lifelong learning is habitual in Finland - especially in these times when there's harsh, global rivalry in the business/design sector and there are no longer many so-called pension posts with jobs or positions that last for one's whole career life.
I spent years as a housewife, studied this and that and played with minor investments in real estate. Then I fell ill with RA - two weeks after gaining my second diploma in gardening (which I loved but which would've required daily walking in sloped terrains and doing hands-on work). I hadn't acquired any notable work experience in other fields so I studied another four years to gain worktop-based design skills. I couldn't find a job/enough customers in environmental planning and garden design. Apparently people tend to focus on their houses and interiors, as (at least in Finland) garden design is about getting a full scale garden plan for free from the nearest neighbo(u)r or the local garden shop/plant nursery (or for the price of coffee from a professional) during a period of two weeks in April-May.
As the kids left the nest, I felt like an aching loser fit for nothing. Now I keep myself astir/stimulated by broadening my know-how and software skills; the current baccalaureat/bachelor's thesis is about wood veneers in interior and furniture design <yawn>. The undergraduate thesis is not about erudition, academic research, knowledge or writing skills (away from me); I just have to model hundreds of pics of different veneer surfaces in different surroundings and write some general facts and background information. The current design software/programs are relatively easy to use; you just have to learn the basic commands to get yourself going. It's quite fun, really, if you like to fit nice things, colors and pieces of furniture together. However, it's time consuming too: I might sit up and take notice that it's 3:30 am before I hit the sack. There are several distressing issues going on in the family as well. That's why I don't have enough strength or motivation to cook at the moment.
I think it's great you are a lifelong student. Your studies sound fascinating. I try to learn something new every day.
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