The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Sorry to hear your mother didn't stand up to him, is she still with him?
Thankfully, no.
He left her for another woman (who had children already as well). However he told me first so that I could drive back to their home to take care of her and my brother and sister (6hr drive on the middle of the night! )

My mother is on get 3rd husband now.

The first was a physically abusive alcoholic
The second a verbally abusive alcoholic
The third doesn't drink and is actually a very nice man if you know how to get on with him. I do, my 3 brothers and sister don't sadly but at least one of them understands that he cares for her and her for him greatly.

I've often said that I would not wish my childhood on my worst enemy and that still holds true.
. I understand you have it even worse, with your right foot in such a state
I've also broken my right knee (top of my right tibia has an incomplete fracture, my left foot (head of the 3rd toe) and have stress lines in my left tibia (at the knee).
The right ankle injuries still remain to be fully established! I have an MRI of my right knee and ankle scheduled in 2½ weeks, results in 3 weeks!

Until then unless my physio says otherwise, my doctor wants me to stay off my feet completely. My right leg is still not allowed to touch the floor at all! (despite the broken bone in my left foot! )
I've also broken my right knee (top of my right tibia has an incomplete fracture, my left foot (head of the 3rd toe) and have stress lines in my left tibia (at the knee).
The right ankle injuries still remain to be fully established! I have an MRI of my right knee and ankle scheduled in 2½ weeks, results in 3 weeks!

Until then unless my physio says otherwise, my doctor wants me to stay off my feet completely. My right leg is still not allowed to touch the floor at all! (despite the broken bone in my left foot! )
Sorry I missed that due to my own head being full. I don't know what to say, that is a very significant injury. I am hoping you'll get enough support, this must be very difficult and painful. Are you getting professional help managing this?
I've often said that I would not wish my childhood on my worst enemy and that still holds true.
Yes, same. People generally have no idea how much such a childhood can affect your life. I'm 33 and had 12 years of therapy and am only just starting to get a bit of stability here and there.

Glad to hear your mom is better off now though, must be a relief to not deal with that anymore.
A colony of rooks has been appearing recently, gathering in some trees about half a mile away from our house. They show up at dawn and dusk and seem to be using this area as a meeting place before either going off to roost in the evening or foraging in the day. Rooks, unlike their close cousins, crows, are extremely sociable birds. They are also quite noisy ones, but I find their caws less grating than the strident shouting that crows indulge in.

I am in rook watching mode.
A break before keep on working. I foresee a dinner in front of my laptop. That’s ok after all because it doesn’t happen often. The only thing I’m a bit worried about is the zoom call at 9pm because it will be entirely in English. Oh my, I hope I can cope with that.
Oh, and not to mention that I’m pretty shy, thus this + a still unsure English speaking = my face wrapped into flames :shy:

I don't know the specifics of your situation, but I have to believe that - assuming the people involved are professionals - they won't mind one bit if you ask for a clarification, or if you sometimes need to search for the right words to express yourself. I have meetings with people in different countries from time to time, and this is always the case. I don't know your exact perspective (since these meetings are always in English), but I expect your colleagues will be supportive. I hope this helps. :)
I don't know the specifics of your situation, but I have to believe that - assuming the people involved are professionals - they won't mind one bit if you ask for a clarification, or if you sometimes need to search for the right words to express yourself. I have meetings with people in different countries from time to time, and this is always the case. I don't know your exact perspective (since these meetings are always in English), but I expect your colleagues will be supportive. I hope this helps. :)

I used to work for a British owned company, and we sometimes had to scratch our heads or ask for clarification. :laugh:

Oh, and not to mention that I’m pretty shy, thus this + a still unsure English speaking = my face wrapped into flames :shy:
Your written English, judging from what you post here, is real good..., er...excellent, (little English language joke there :)) so just tell them you've lost your voice and use the meeting's chat function. :laugh:

I'm only half-kidding, as I do that from time to time when I just don't have the patience to try and talk over other people's babbling. :)
Now this is unheard of. In China, a man was sentenced to pay $7K to his ex-wife for unpaid housework.
China court orders man to pay wife for housework in landmark case
I know someone this happened to. My ex'h's mother was an only child. Her best friend was also an only child. The friend's husband was said to be very cheap. He would buy groceries and keep detailed records of what his wife and the children consumed...down to the penny. He even kept records of what amount of the mortgage, utilities and extras should be broken down that way.

After the kids were out on their own he started an affair and decided to leave his wife. She had ALL the records (decades worth) and took everything to court. The judge was beyond furious about what was basically overt financial abuse and awarded the wife in a way that compensated her for all those years of "unpaid labor". I forgot how much she got but it was a nice chunk of change.
I used to work for a British owned company, and we sometimes had to scratch our heads or ask for clarification. :laugh:


So, they had to translate
to English for you?
I don't know the specifics of your situation, but I have to believe that - assuming the people involved are professionals - they won't mind one bit if you ask for a clarification, or if you sometimes need to search for the right words to express yourself. I have meetings with people in different countries from time to time, and this is always the case. I don't know your exact perspective (since these meetings are always in English), but I expect your colleagues will be supportive. I hope this helps. :)

Yes, it helps, thank you :)
I tend to go a bit on panic before things happen, I am a bit anxious especially when I have to talk in a language which is not mine, but when I am in, then I start to relax and focusing on “here and now”.
I’ll ask if and when I won’t get some words or a sentence, but not continuously because it would be annoying..
I don’t know these people, first time I “meet” them; luckily there will be an Italian colleague who will join the call
Your written English, judging from what you post here, is real good..., er...excellent, (little English language joke there :)) so just tell them you've lost your voice and use the meeting's chat function. :laugh:

I'm only half-kidding, as I do that from time to time when I just don't have the patience to try and talk over other people's babbling. :)

Luckily I don’t babble when I talk in English, at most I can say non-sense as a machine gun :laugh:
I am not used to ask every minute “ sorry, I can’t get it” (so annoying) or phone calls would last ages and also because I understand English but better when they talk a bit slower..
I get better British English rather than American English, I’ve noticed. And obviously I’ll have a phone call with the second one! Lucky I am :laugh:
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