The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I got interviewed in a pub by the BBC once. They must like pubs. On that occasion, it was Radio Four and they were doing a thing about the relationship (or otherwise) between "town and gown" in Oxford.

As one of my "friends" remarked after it was broadcast, I have a good face for radio.

Lol, I too have that, I was interviewed about 10 or 11 years ago on a horse racing site where my horse was the favourite. She galloped,lol.

Went to the dermatologist because one of the moles on my skin changed colors and shaped. I have two moles that will need to be removed and biopsied. I'm not worried about the moles themselves even if it's melanoma it's most likely self contained, but I'm a crybaby with medical procedures of any kind.

I also have an eye hemorrhage that appeared today and it's being very itchy and annoying.
I just bottled another jar of gerkins/pickles. We are growing them here and picking a few every day. I had two days worth brining (6) so I boiled my brew and bottled. I've had about 6 jars so far. I made the pickling mix up a week or so ago and just heat and seal. I do swaps with a friend for crayfish.

Went to the dermatologist because one of the moles on my skin changed colors and shaped. I have two moles that will need to be removed and biopsied. I'm not worried about the moles themselves even if it's melanoma it's most likely self contained, but I'm a crybaby with medical procedures of any kind.

I also have an eye hemorrhage that appeared today and it's being very itchy and annoying.
:hug:I hope you'll be OK and it won't be melanoma.
I found this very interesting 'I bought this mixer when I was pregnant. My son is now 35': Guardian readers on the appliances that just won’t quit

I feel like we're past the time when kitchen appliances lasted 35 years though 😂

Depends, our Kitchen Aid mixer is around 30 years old and still going strong. It's been repaired once, but that was my stupidity that caused a gear failure. It has also survived a fall off the counter without injury when it "walked" itself off once within the last couple of years when mixing bread dough. I keep an eye on it now so that doesn't happen again.
I'm house bound today, linesmen (not from Wichita) are replacing a power pole in my driveway, well next to it, but truck blocking most of the street.

I'm house bound today, linesmen (not from Wichita) are replacing a power pole in my driveway, well next to it, but truck blocking most of the street.


The power lines in my neighborhood, and pretty much all the neighborhoods in Frisco, are underground.

The Meghan Markle and Former-Prince Harry interview aired last night over here, and a few hours ago in the UK. While it might sound to outsiders that The Royals live a fairytale existence, it sounds like it's closer to being prisoners. They are unable to do what they want or go where they want. Everything they do is scrutinized.

And, if that were all there was, then I'm sure they would still be members of the royal family, living in England, instead of living in Los Angeles. It became abundantly clear what a double-standard there was for treatment of Meghan vs. Kate, specifically. Here's an article that compares the top 20 glaring differences. Here's one example:

Kate: "Bumping along nicely! The Duchess was seen placing a protective hand on her tummy as she exited the event." Daily Mail: March 22, 2018​
Meghan: "Personally, I find the cradling a bit like those signs in the back of cars: Baby on Board. Virtue signaling, as though the rest of us barren harridans deserve to burn alive in our cars." Daily Mail: Jan. 26, 2019​

I didn't realize until yesterday that the tabloids in Britain have a partnership with the royal family: the royals give them access, and the tabloids give them publicity. The fact that the tabloids very clearly attacked Meghan for things that they praised Kate for, and the royal family did nothing about it, explains everything you need to know about why they left.
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