The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Is funny how people change, neighbour (I no like her) come today an say Mrs Kerr would you please teach husband an me Italian? I say why. She say they go Italia later in year. Normally I say yes to most but one day Ray and I walking home from pub on a Sunday, we speak Italian we stop an say hello. She ask why we speak Italian all time, Ray explain my English not to good she say to Ray well your wife should she in England now!! An now she want to learn?? Before Corona she no want to know me.
I told her yes only after this over.

People very strange!

Sarana x

We work with someone who complains about the Eastern Europeans 'coming over here, taking our jobs ' etc..however when we need a Polish interpreter 1 guy is 'invaluable'. Racism is stupid!
Buongiorno MG,
She an husband they very arrogant think they better than other people, she think money make anything happen. I will teach if I can but I think we have row at some time.
Sarana x

We had booked a holiday in Italy for this May, then the virus occured so we won't be going, however we would invest in a language book.

You better make a trip to 35 before it's too late!

Wow it is hot out there :sun: :sun: :sun: :heat::heat::heat:

It's been nutty here - 80F last week, then storms came through (with a couple of small tornadoes) and now we're back in the 30's and 40's again. It's supposed to be down even into the 20's overnight soon.

That's why I hate Spring - one day, you're running the central air and sweating in a pair of shorts, the next day, the blasted heat is on and you're looking for your parka again! 😠
Is funny how people change, neighbour (I no like her) come today an say Mrs Kerr would you please teach husband an me Italian? I say why. She say they go Italia later in year. Normally I say yes to most but one day Ray and I walking home from pub on a Sunday, we speak Italian we stop an say hello. She ask why we speak Italian all time, Ray explain my English not to good she say to Ray well your wife should she in England now!! An now she want to learn?? Before Corona she no want to know me.
I told her yes only after this over.

People very strange!

Sarana x
I would have told them "Babbel" is your friend!
I do not like "Talk Shows " and avoid watching them. G will watch them and I hear bits and pieces. Those self appointed experts and spokesmen are making Covid19 a race issue. :banghead:
Makes me want to :yuck:on my favorite pair of shoes.
A bunch of blithering idiots
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